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Title (English) Charlotte
Title (Japanese) wakakusa no charlotte

book cover

Fantasy Novel

Notes English name: Charlotte of the Young Grass
Classification -
Synopsis A shoujo-style anime, obviously intended for girls, but with an original script ( no previous manga). Some sources state that it is from a Louisa M. Alcott story, but I believe this is incorrect.
The scenario is that Charlotte's parents have died (or at least disappeared) after a ship-fire and wreck, leaving her as heir to a farm in Canada. Charlotte is a spirited girl of about 12 years of age. Her father came from a wealthy and aristocratic French family, and various people are hoping to get their hands on Charlotte's inheritance, by adopting her or otherwise. The French family entice her to France and try to make her stay. She is beset by false reports that her parents are still alive and about to reappear.

Charlotte lives with her father on a ranch based in Qučbec, Canada. Her life changes radically when a letter from her mother arrives, saying she will return to them (Charlotte though that she was dead). But the ship in which she would have arrived was wrecked near port and her father tried to save his wife and died, and so Charlotte hasn't any parents left (her mum is vanished). Her granpa (a rich french duke, duke of Montform) called Charlotte to come to him (he pretends to discover her only in this moment) and receive a noble education. In France she discovers the real story of her family. Her dad, disgusted by his title, married a young woman called Simone without parent's permission so the duke decided to separate them. Becoming very angry, the young man took his child to start a new lifestyle. (Claudio Tosone)

Review It looks cheaply made, and is not particularly interesting.
If you dislike spoilers, don't examine the cast list. Image: Coach
Data from Ben Ettinger
Episodes 30
Release It:TV
TV Showing See the whole series for free? This series may be syndicated to regional cable, satellite or terrestial TV stations. For Europe click here.
Date 1977 October 29 - 1978 May 27
Production Nippon Animation
References & Help Look up the latest data on this title at:
Richard Llewellyn's Animated Divots, or
Anime News Network (see Encyclopedia section) ,
or in "The Anime Encyclopedia" (Clements & McCarthy, Stone Bridge Press, 2001).
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