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Title (English) Gekko Kamen-Kun
Title (Japanese) Gozonji! Gekko Kamen-kun

book cover

Fantasy Novel

Notes ="The Familiar Moonlight Mask-kun"
New show, 1999, inspired by earlier shows, inc "Gekko Kamen"
Classification -
Synopsis "Gekko Kamen-kun" is premised upon a late 1950's Japanese TV show about a masked superhero. In this "update", the original Gekko-Kamen is retired on the moon and is too old and creaky to go back to the Earth to stop three alien invaders who plan to "take over the Earth". So instead he sends his trusty sentient motor scooter to Earth to find a young successor. The story takes off from there with non-stops twists and turns on all the traditional cliches about super hero shows, while never becoming a total parody.

Here's an example from this latest episode: this week's alien monster who is here to "conquer the Earth" has the power to turn adults back into children. So the monster's first victims run off scared to find help. The monster then runs into some of the "regulars" in the series, including the former alien "bad guy" Ghosto, who has now turned "good" and lives and works in the little working class neighborhood of Tokyo where the story takes place. Ghosto, along with the others is at first terrified of being turned into a child too, but he suddenly sees an "upside" to the situation - if they get turned into kids they can fly to Saipan for half price and stay in a hotel for free and have a great holiday! Suddenly, everyone is harassing the alien to turn them into kids, so the alien runs off in frustration!
-(Dave Baranyi)

The new story arc now has Sada no Tsume and the rest of his gang now "good citizens" of Naoto's neighborhood. But there is a new threat - an alien girl who has come to Earth for revenge after her parents were killed while out for a "drive" one day - their space car got totaled by a stray Earth satellite. So the girl is hiring in space mercenaries to try to defeat Gekko Kamen and destroy the Earth.
(Dave Baranyi)

Review "Gekko Kamen-kun" - Another kid's show with an "edge", Rating after 5 episodes - A

... an example of an intelligently entertaining kid's anime, "Gekko Kamen-Kun". "Gekko Kamen-Kun" is unabashedly a kids show, sponsored by kids advertisers, with kid protagonists and simple, straight-forward plots and dialogs. But it is done with a sense of wry fun that assumes that the kids ( and the adults ) who are watching the show have something between their ears other than "nato".
The ironic thing about "Gekko Kamen-Kun" is that while it is great "kids" entertainment, it probably stands little chance of every being brought over to North American TV precisely because it isn't full of "cartoon" cliches.
- (Dave Baranyi)

"Gekko Kamen-kun" is my favorite "light" comedy of this season. Naoto and his approach to being the new "Gekko Kamen" is just great, as is the rest of the cast.
The gags continue to be marvelously funny and the gentle parodies of other series are brisk enough to make them an enjoyable part of this show. I would tend to classify "Gekko Kamen-kun" as good natured fun and well worth looking for.(Dave Baranyi)

TV Showing See the whole series for free? This series may be syndicated to regional cable, satellite or terrestial TV stations. For Europe click here.
Date 1999 October 3 - 2000 March 26
Production TMS
Broadcaster TV Tokyo
References & Help Look up the latest data on this title at:
Richard Llewellyn's Animated Divots, or
Anime News Network (see Encyclopedia section) ,
or in "The Anime Encyclopedia" (Clements & McCarthy, Stone Bridge Press, 2001).
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