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Title (English) One Piece
Title (Japanese) One Piece

book cover

Fantasy Novel

Notes From a manga by Eiichiro Oda.
Classification -
Synopsis This is grand tale of a world that is a combination of the old Spanish Main and Sinbad. The main character, Luffy/Rufi, eats a plant that makes his body rubbery and almost indestructible. (Other characters have parallel strange powers). He starts gathering a crew of young wanna-be pirates, to search for the "One Piece" treasure of Gold Roger. Another important character is Nami, a girl who steals only from pirates.
This is a adventure fantasy about wanna-be pirates in a world of pirates.
Episode synopses available on Internet.
Review This series shows what shounen adventure is supposed to be. (Last night I watched the latest episodes of One Piece and Angelic Layer back-to-back man, what a contrast!) This is grand tale of a world that is a combination of the old Spanish Main and Sinbad.
The main story arcs are surprisingly gripping and the characters, both major and minor, are nicely detailed and individual personalities. Rating A must see for adventure fans.
"One Piece", which is now being broadcast fairly regularly continues to be bright, lively and lots of fun.
This episode continued the "mini-arc" concerning how Rufi and gang ran into Usotsuke. A this point, Usotsuke has found out that the major domo of the household where a beautiful but ill girl lives is actually a notorious and vicious pirate leader. But Usotsuke has "cried wolf" too many times in the past and no one believes him now, except for Rufi and gang.
So it looks as if we are in for an exciting conclusion to this story arc in a week or two. I find that this pattern of 3, 4 or 5 episode "mini-arcs" is working very well in a number of current series. It allows for a fair amount of character and plot development while not dragging things out needlessly as it might in a 12 or 13 episode arc.
(Dave Baranyi)

I've seen one episode of this, in which some Japanese teenagers are mixed up with a lot of pirates. It's a farcial, rather violent comedy, and I quite enjoyed it, though the Italian dub probably makes it seem not as good as it actually is. There are about 98 episodes planned, and in many episodes a single confrontation is spun out to fill a 25 min episode or more, in contrast to the "Escaflowne" series, where there was so much incident in each episode that adapting the TV story as a movie proved impossible. (GC)

Credits Dir: Konosuke Uda
Chara des: Nobaru Koizumi
Release Jap:DVD
TV Showing See the whole series for free? This series may be syndicated to regional cable, satellite or terrestial TV stations. For Europe click here.
Date 1999 Oct 20 -
Production Toei
Broadcaster Fuji TV
References & Help Look up the latest data on this title at:
Richard Llewellyn's Animated Divots, or
Anime News Network (see Encyclopedia section) ,
or in "The Anime Encyclopedia" (Clements & McCarthy, Stone Bridge Press, 2001).
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