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Title (English) GTO
Title (Japanese) GTO

book cover

Fantasy Novel

Notes aka "Great Teacher Onizuka". GTO is based upon a manga which was made into a very successful (live-action) prime time TV drama.
New show, autumn 1999.
Classification -
Synopsis GTO is about a young teacher with very unorthodox ways. He is vulgar, a skirt chaser and a biker, but at the same time he finds some strange way to reach out to some common ground with his class of smart kids with BIG attitudes. (Each week Onizuka finds some odd way of reaching out and befriending another troublesome student.)

Episode 19;
"GTO" is the anime incarnation of the famous manga and live TV series about a not very traditional young teacher.
This episode ended another "min-arc" for the series, in which Onizuka got to the bottom of the strange behavior of Kanzaki, the girl with one blue and one brown eye. Kanzaki is the terror of all the teachers - she is incredibly bright and routinely and easily shows up all the teachers as far as knowledge goes. But she also has a vicious sense of humor that has all the teachers except for Onizuka in mortal fear of her. ( Onizuka knows that he isn't smart, so it's impossible to show him up that way, although Kanzaki has already played other nasty jokes on him. )
-Dave Baryani

Review I have seen the opening episode(s) of the anime, in which Onizuka, a trainee teacher and former menber of tough biker gangs, has a two-week classroom trial at a city school. He gets a speeding ticket on his way to work, and meets another trainee who sees the job as an opportunity to seduce schoolgirls. Onizuka is dazzled by the dozens of cute schoolgirls in the yard. Onizuka's dreams are soon shattered when he is left in charge of the worst class in the school, full of louts who insult and then ignore him. The only cute girl in the class waylays him on his way home, and says that she has left her parents. She talks her way into Onizuka's room, and takes off her clothes, just before several of the louts from his class burst in with a camera. It is, of course, all a blackmail plot.
Onizuka's response is unexpected - he has the louts ambushed and tortured into submission, and after that he has no more trouble for the rest of the trial period! And that's just the first episode!
On the strength of what I've seen, this is an excellent series, with a refreshingly different hero. Recommended. (GC)

GTO is based upon a manga which was made into a very successful prime time TV drama, and more like the manga than the TV series. Not a "great" show, but catchy in a strange way. Rating - B

Episode 19 ends a story arc ( a trend I've noted before in other current shows ) So in this episode we found out why Kanzaki behaves the way that she does, as well as some other "different" aspects of her. Onizuka may have also figured out another one of his inimitable ways of sort of "straightening out" Kanzaki, but I'm not too certain of that. All I know is that Kanzaki figures prominently in the new closing animation. The opening of "GTO" has also been revamped with better graphics and a new song. All-in-all, the series is continuing to be entertaining in it's own "odd" way.
-Dave Baryani

I just finished watching the final episode of "GTO", aka, "Great Teacher Onizuka". "GTO" was one of my favorite anime from the beginning of its run and I'll miss the marvelously well done mix of humor, pathos, satire, human nature and all the other aspects that made the series so memorable. The series essentially ended over the last few episodes. The multi-part school trip to the tropical resort ended up with a "fin de siecle" feel to it. Then came a flashback episode which covered the interaction of Onizuka with the more important characters in the series. Then came the final two-part story in which Onizuka had to save a suicidal student from seeking revenge.
The final episode ended up with Onizuka having to leave the school because he "took the rap" for the suicidal student and the young teacher she had become involved with - once again, Onizuka's sense of chivalry and duty to the students lead him to sacrifice himself.
But this being "GTO", the ending wasn't quite so melodramatic - during the final credits we see Onizuka riding his motorcycle down an empty highway with a strangely desert-like appearance. We next see a highway sign - "66". Next is a view of a building with the words, "California Junior High School" on the outside. Inside, a class of every possible image of American punk, hood, skater, surfer, etc. stereotypes is shown, and they are all asking, "GTO?". Sure enough, there is Onizuka writing "GTO" on the board, after which he turns around and says in really bad mixed English and Japanese, "Great Teacher Onizuka, nijuu ni years old. Yoroshiku." The ending then switches to a written notice for "GTO 2", but the next notice reads, "Domo, sumimasen - U-so desu". Any way, the GTO anime videos are coming out, starting next month. For some reason, they are coming out 3 videos at a time, so it won't be too hard for folks to catch up on this great series. I'm already ordering the DVD editions. (Dave Baranyi)

Episodes 42
Release US:DVD
TV Showing See the whole series for free? This series may be syndicated to regional cable, satellite or terrestial TV stations. For Europe click here.
Date 1999
Production SPE, Studio Pierrot, Fuji TV
References & Help Look up the latest data on this title at:
Richard Llewellyn's Animated Divots, or
Anime News Network (see Encyclopedia section) ,
or in "The Anime Encyclopedia" (Clements & McCarthy, Stone Bridge Press, 2001).
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