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Title (English) Candidate for Goddess, the
Title (Japanese) Megami Kouhosei

book cover

Fantasy Novel

Notes = "Pilot Candidate"
Classification -
Synopsis This is a story of pilot candidates in the far future. At that time there is a big space war and there is only one planet on which human kind can live. The hero of this story goes to the trainee base to become a pilot of five 'Goddess', which are the Goddess shaped spaceships used to fight against the enemy. (CALCI)
Review I then watched episode 3 of NHK's new show, "The Candidate for Goddess". This is a hard show for me to watch because I generally don't enjoy the "student learns about life during training" sort of plot line, which this series has in spades. The jarring difference between the otherwise good "normal" animation and the CG "Goddess" space battleship/mechas is also bothersome - I had enough of femanoid mechas in "Dual", and there's nothing new here. I am also getting the feeling that this show is going to try to do a "EVA" of some sort, since the alien "invaders" which the Goddess-mechas battle are called "victims" and have a lot of "angel" characteristics. There are also a couple of "Rei-looking" girls and many of the secondary characters are seemingly familiar - if not from EVA than from other shows. ( I'm hoping that this show doesn't go the way of "Revius" and bog down in too many characters. )
But so far I'm still sticking with the "Candidate" in the hopes that it quickly passes the "training school" phase and gets on to something more original. I also am a "sucker" for any show in which the hero is named "Zero" and his partner will be a cute cat-eared ( or maybe fox-eared ) redhead ( that's next episode, from the previews ).
Dave Baryani

Somewhat resembles one of Heinlein's SF novels. Animation was by XEBEC and picture quality was really good. Soundtrack was also gorgeous.

This is another of those shows with kids piloting giant robots. So to make it stand out it had better be good. The designs of the robots, white, computer-generated, look good but there's little else to attract one's attention. And it is so obviously a complete rip-off of Evangeleon, complete with large cast, biological-looking robot/pilot interaction, base facility, angst, etc etc. (GC)

Credits Dir: Mitsuru Hongo
Release US:DVD
TV Showing See the whole series for free? This series may be syndicated to regional cable, satellite or terrestial TV stations. For Europe click here.
Date 1999
Production Production IG, Xebec?
References & Help Look up the latest data on this title at:
Richard Llewellyn's Animated Divots, or
Anime News Network (see Encyclopedia section) ,
or in "The Anime Encyclopedia" (Clements & McCarthy, Stone Bridge Press, 2001).
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