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Title (English) Now and Then, Here and There
Title (Japanese) Ima Soko ni ima Boku

book cover

Fantasy Novel

Notes aka "Here and now, Then and There".
Classification -
Synopsis While trying to save a mysterious girl a teenaged boy gets accidentally transported from "here and now" Earth to an unknown desert world.
Review A grand sci-fi adventure that looks as if it were done by Miyazaki. Great animation, interesting characters, good background music and an intriguing plot makes this a "must see" show for me. A gritty, violent show, it is not really for "children". Rating after 2 episodes - A

"Ima Soku" continues to be the benchmark show for me this Fall. I'm amazed at the way the grand scheme and the details are all being tied together. There has been more excruciating violence and an unforgetable night time battle scene. I find myself thinking that I am watching an anime movie instead of a TV show.

It's hard to believe that "Ima Soku" is a Pioneer/AIC production, even though the current plot is reminiscent of "El Hazard - the Alternate World". But let me tell you, if the "Baddies" in "El Hazard TV 2" were like the crowd in "Ima Soku" then Makoto would have definitely needed Ifurita's help to get out of there. Unfortunately for Shu in "Ima Soku", he has no friendly "demon goddess" to get him out of trouble.
Dave Baryani

I have avoided to evaluate 'Ima Soko ni iru Boku' so far, but my ranking has become higher and higher as the story goes on. There is a higher possibility that this will become a classic. This, hard-SF touch story isn't suitable for WOWOW anime timeslot, but suitable for NHK. Very serious, and faces toward the violence, namely for child abuse. I have been very surprised by the 'raw violence' shown in the show. This is quite violent even for the standard of Japanese level of appreciation. I wonder how Daichi kantoku thought about the audience. You can't imagine this content from this childish character design. But I could feel that the creators are very serious. I am very looking forward to seeing how Mr. Daichi will lead the story.... Of course the name of Takahashi Ryousuke (Votomz, Gasaraki) as the cedit of 'Special Assistance' is seen... (^_-) (CALCI)

After 5 episodes - intriguing story in which an ordinary boy, something of a loner, gets suddenly involved with a strange girl and drawn into a violent sci-fi world. The childish character designs belie the grim and violent content - it's really not suitable for younger children, and one can only assume it was made with late-night pay TV in mind. There are harrowing scenes, but one weakness so far is that one constantly wonders why the crew don't just put Hamdo in a straitjacket instead of obeying his orders. (GC)

Credits a Pioneer/AIC production
Release US:DVD
TV Showing See the whole series for free? This series may be syndicated to regional cable, satellite or terrestial TV stations. For Europe click here.
Date 1999
Production A.I.C., WOWOW
References & Help Look up the latest data on this title at:
Richard Llewellyn's Animated Divots, or
Anime News Network (see Encyclopedia section) ,
or in "The Anime Encyclopedia" (Clements & McCarthy, Stone Bridge Press, 2001).
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