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Title (English) Magical Circle Guru Guru 2
Title (Japanese) Doki Doki Densetsu Mahoujin Guru Guru

book cover

Fantasy Novel

Notes Kids comedy/adventure/game series. Based on manga by Hiroyuki Morifuji
Classification -
Synopsis The two lead characters are a little boy who is a fighter and a little girl who has some magic powers. They are helped/hindered by a couple of bald old farts who get in their way in a manner similar to that of Sakurambo in "Urusei Yatsura".
Review This was a bright, cheerful show which, if not based upon an RPG, is looking for one to be made about it. As the characters are introduced "ability cards" are shown which indicate typical RPG-type characteristics ( power, magic, special items, etc. ). The two lead characters are a little boy (Nike) who is a fighter and a little girl (Kukuri) who has some magic powers. They are helped/hindered by a couple of bald old farts who get in their way in a manner similar to that of Sakurambo in "Urusei Yatsura". The monsters in the show are humorous and the situations predicable, although cute and funny. I guess if there weren't any other shows to ask for I might watch "Doki Doki" a bit, but as is I've got lots more to watch that I do like.
(Dave Baranyi)

Dokidoki Densetsu Mahoujin GuruGuru was the 2nd animated series of the same titled manga by Eto Hiroyuki (monthly Shonen Gangan, Enix) The first season was broadcasted in 1994-5 by Nippon Animation. This was the continuation of the 1st season. Mahoujin (Magic Circle) GuruGuru was a magic of darkness used by the lost race, MiguMigu zoku. The hero Nike, a hero of a light magic met with a girl of a MiguMigu girl named Kukuri and went to a quest to conquer Demon's King Giri. The character design was for the game and they are very cute. A cheeful comedy with a fantasy RPG flavor.
The 2nd season was as much fun as the first season, but I think the first season was better. Overall rating is B.
Dokidoki Densetsu Mahoujin GuruGuru was the 2nd series of the same title manga drawn by Eto Hiroyuki (monthly Shonen Gangan). It was not the game, but was designed to become the basis for a computer RPG. Later it became [developed as] Super Famicon RPG games. Gangan was published by Enix (Dragon Quest) and was designed to cultivate new talent in game designers. It is a cute show and enjoyable, still I liked the first season better. (CALCI)

Credits Dir: Nobuaki Nakanishi
Episodes 45
Release It:TV
TV Showing See the whole series for free? This series may be syndicated to regional cable, satellite or terrestial TV stations. For Europe click here.
Date 1994
Production Nippon Animation, TV Asahi
References & Help Look up the latest data on this title at:
Richard Llewellyn's Animated Divots, or
Anime News Network (see Encyclopedia section) ,
or in "The Anime Encyclopedia" (Clements & McCarthy, Stone Bridge Press, 2001).
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