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Title (English) Berserk
Title (Japanese) Kenfu Denki Berserk

book cover

Fantasy Novel

Notes English name: Sword Wind Romance Berserk; Japanese name: Kenfu Denki Berserk;
Classification -
Synopsis Realistic battle adventure; about a man recruited into a band of hard-bitten irregular soldiers by their charismatic leader.
Guts, the hero, rises through the ranks of the Midland army. Following intrigue involving the leader, Griffiths, Guts loses an eye and his left hand, and discovers that Griffiths has made a pact with supernatural beings called God Hand. Gut's comrades have been killed and his lover raped. He vows revenge.
Review If you like RPG's or medaeval warfare stuff, this is for you.
The artwork is quite good and there is lots of action and violence. Italia 1 showed it in a late-night slot.
Credits English name: Sword Wind Romance Berserk; Japanese name: Kenfu Denki Berserk; Japanese name: Dates: October 7, 1997-September 29, 1998; Number of episodes: ?; Creator(s): Kentaroh Mitsura Series Director: Naohito Takahashi; Character Designer(s): Yoshihiko Umakoshi; Voice Actors (regular characters): Nobutoshi Hayashi (Gats). Tomoyuki Moriyama (Grifis). Yuko Miyamura (Kaska). Akira Ishida (Judoh). Akiko Yashima (Rickert). Production Company: VAP and OLM.
Release It:TV, US:DVD
TV Showing See the whole series for free? This series may be syndicated to regional cable, satellite or terrestial TV stations. For Europe click here.
Date 1997 October 7 - 1998 September 29
Production VAP and OLM
References & Help Look up the latest data on this title at:
Richard Llewellyn's Animated Divots, or
Anime News Network (see Encyclopedia section) ,
or in "The Anime Encyclopedia" (Clements & McCarthy, Stone Bridge Press, 2001).
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