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Title (English) Attack no.1
Title (Japanese) Attack no.1

book cover

Fantasy Novel

Notes Ger.="Mila Superstar".
From a manga by URANO Chikako, published in Margaret magazine.
Apparently a release of 5 tapes of 75 mins each was made - clearly not enough to contain the whole series.
Four movies - LD/tape 51-63 min each - (re-edits of the TV episodes) - were also made in 1970.
Classification shoujo
Synopsis It's about high school volleyball, and in particular one girl, Kozue Ayuhara, who works her way up through the sport to international level. On the way she encounters and wins over a number of rather difficult girls, notably Midori, daughter of a wealthy businessman, who becomes a close friend. Kozue is supported by her coach, the young, inexperienced but innovative Hongo (Honma). She also falls in love with a local boy, but their relationship has to take second place to volleyball.
The series covers several seasons of Inter-High school volleyball competition in exhaustive detail, covering training, games, training camps and internatioal trips, with occasional looks at the girls' lives outside sport. (GC)

Kozue is a high school volleyball superstar from Fujimi High school. (HBV)

Review On court | On court
Though old and animated in a dated style, this is one of the most interesting series screened on sat. TV. It's a 'sports anime', and unlike most of the other series, it's utterly Japanese asides from the dubbing, being set in Japan and permeated with the Japanese ethos.
This is an old sports anime, made around 1970, and it's about high school volleyball, and in particular one girl, 'Mila' who works her way up through the sport to international level. Rather unusually for anime shown in Europe, this is a thoroughly Japanese series, with a Japanese setting, kanji on signs, and a very Japanese ethos of teamwork, "ganbatte" etc. Typically, in the rather sadistic opening credit sequence, our heroine is pelted with volleyballs till she falls to the ground.
It's a straight drama, not a comedy, and the characterisation and scripting are exceptionally good, so that even if you know nothing about volleyball and care less, you still want to know how each game ends.
I was quite astonished by the sophistication of the opening episode, in which 'Mila' , at this point 12 years old, transfers to a high school on the coast near Mt Fuji. In an early scene, the maths teacher is grumbling that none of his pupils understand a geometry problem - are they stupid or just asleep in class? At this point he spots Mila, who really IS asleep. On waking up, rather slowly, she gives the correct answer to the maths. problem, and wonders why the teacher is cross. He remarks sarcastically that if she is ill or tired she should go to the sick room. Mila says that she'll do that, and picking up a couple of brown leaves that have blown in through the open window, remarks that she'll release them outside, and breezes out. She releases the leaves from a terrace. Weird girl!
The teachers are taking an unusual interest in Mila, a bright child whom they hoped might light a fire under their dozy pupils. Instead, she turns down the overtures of the school volleyball team and on the strength of the 'leaf' episode, takes up with the school 'rebels' who prefer dancing to a transistor radio under the trees to joining school clubs.
Well! As a portrait of a potentially disruptive school pupil, this could hardly be bettered!
[ RTL2 have about 101 episodes). BTW, there are several Attack No.1 movies (in Japanese).
In a later sequence of episodes, Mila, now 14 years old, and a budding volleyball star, attends the same school where an obsessed coach with a damaged right arm is grooming the girls to win a national championship. There's the usual rivalry and accusations of being in love with Coach or vice versa.
Permeated with the Japanese ganbatte! train-till-you-bleed spirit, the series contains levels of violence that some viewers might find quite disturbing. Since a girl gets pelted to the ground with volleyballs in one opening credit sequence, Mila hit by ball you can guess what the rest of it is going to be like. Fans of Japanese anime and culture should check it out.
I watched this most mornings. Good script, at its best when it stays rooted in real life, and at its weakest when introducing sensational conspiracies or unsporting high-tech gadgetry, and it takes its subject totally seriously. (GC)

This is the mother of all sports heroine anime. Fine example of the genre "Sports Konjou mono". My sisters loved it:) (HBV) Rating ****

Credits Dir: Fumio Kurokawa, Eiji Okabe.
Des: Jun Ikeda
Episodes 104
Release Ger:TV, Jap:VHS
TV Showing See the whole series for free? This series may be syndicated to regional cable, satellite or terrestial TV stations. For Europe click here.
Date 1969
Production TMS, Fuji TV
References & Help Look up the latest data on this title at:
Richard Llewellyn's Animated Divots, or
Anime News Network (see Encyclopedia section) ,
or in "The Anime Encyclopedia" (Clements & McCarthy, Stone Bridge Press, 2001).
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