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Title (English) Pollon
Title (Japanese) Ochamegami Monogatari Kolokolo Polon

book cover

Fantasy Novel

Notes It.="C'era una volta Pollon"
Genre(s): comedy, mythology, Greece
From the manga "Olympus no Pollon" by AZUMA Hideo, published in Akita Shoten's Princess Comics, 1978. Also available as 2 tankuobon.
Classification shoujo
Synopsis Anime about the funny lives of the Greek gods up on Mount Olympus. Polon is the naughty daughter of Apollo. With her little cherub friend Eros, she interferes in various comical ways as she tries to show that she is fit to be a goddess. Her activities often misfire, getting her in trouble with some deity or other and causing chaos for gods and humans. Feeling neglected by her godly parent, she often assists him in his woman-chasing in the hopes of getting a new mommy.
Review Pollon seems to be a minor love goddess. After watching 1 1/2 episodes of this farcial comedy, I'm not much the wiser. In the episode I watched, somebody duplicates all the characters, who immediately quarrel, so we have two Cupids fighting, two feuding Zeuses and so on. Pollon visits Persephone in the Underworld, and the appearance of Cerberus, the three-headed fire-breathing dog was the highlight of the episode.
I found it of limited interest, partly because It was hard to fathom what was going on in the Italian edition.

For children.

Credits Creator(s): Hideo Azuma
Episodes 46
Release It:TV, It:VHS
TV Showing See the whole series for free? This series may be syndicated to regional cable, satellite or terrestial TV stations. For Europe click here.
Date 1982 May 8 - 1984 March 26
Production Kokusai Eigasha
References & Help Look up the latest data on this title at:
Richard Llewellyn's Animated Divots, or
Anime News Network (see Encyclopedia section) ,
or in "The Anime Encyclopedia" (Clements & McCarthy, Stone Bridge Press, 2001).
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