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Title (English) Nadine, Star of the Seine
Title (Japanese) La Seine no hoshi

book cover

Fantasy Novel

Notes Fr.="La Tulipe Noire".
The manga by Morimura Asuka, published in Big Bird Comics, is adapted from this TV series, which was inspired by Ikeda's Versailles no Bara and Tezuka's Ribon no Kishi..
Genre: adventure
Classification shoujo
Synopsis It's a shoujo drama in which Nadine, a flower girl of humble (or are they?) origins, moonlights as a sword-wielding masked avenger.

In the manga, the story is set in France short before and during the French Revolution and the star of it is the young Simone who works as a florist at day and turns into La Seine no Hoshi at night, who is a Zorro type masked heroine who fights the bad and protects the innocent. But there is a secret about Simone she doesn't know herself - she is the illigitimate sister of Queen Marie-Antoinette!

Review Though set in the same French revolutionary period as "Rose of Versailles" and like RoV featuring Marie Antoinette as a character, this is a quite different and much more lightweight series. Quite fun though. It's a shoujo drama in which Nadine, a flower girl of humble (or are they?) origins moonlights as a sword-wielding masked avenger. Viewers who have also seen RoV may derive some amusement from contrasting the comically villainous Royal Guards with those in RoV! Nadine outside mansion
Credits Dir: Masaaki Osumi, Yoshiyuki Tomino, Satoshi Dezaki
Data from Ben Ettinger
Episodes 39
Release Ger:TV
TV Showing See the whole series for free? This series may be syndicated to regional cable, satellite or terrestial TV stations. For Europe click here.
Date 1975 April 4 - 1975 December 26
Production Unimax
References & Help Look up the latest data on this title at:
Richard Llewellyn's Animated Divots, or
Anime News Network (see Encyclopedia section) ,
or in "The Anime Encyclopedia" (Clements & McCarthy, Stone Bridge Press, 2001).
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