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Title (English) Heidi - Girl of the Alps
Title (Japanese) arupusu no shoujo haiji

book cover

Fantasy Novel

Notes Home video: Japan: DVD Box set (BCBA 2,6)
DVD (BCBA 164-176)
LD Box set (BELL 629,630)
An early title in Fuji TV's World Masterpiece Theater (meisaku)TV anime series of adaptations of classic children's books.
From the novels by Johanna Spyri.
Classification WMT
Synopsis Heidi, a small girl, lives in the mountains with her old "Alm-uncle", actually her grandfather, a farmer, and then is sent to live in Stuttgart at a rather grand house in the city as a companion for Clara, a disabled girl four years older than Heidi. The house is run by a housekeeper who is terrified of animals, however small. Heidi's untutored behaviour and homesickness provoke a fair amount of chaos. Later, she returns to her beloved mountains.
Review This is one of the proto-WMT series, and was made in 1974. The character design for Heidi in particular now looks very dated. However the series is full of interesting detail recreated in the animation, and quite a lot of humour. I've seen about half of the German edition, and about half of the of the Italian edition. The series is regularly repeated on RAI UNO and other channels, so I've been able to see nearly all of the series. Do get a copy of the first Heidi book, of which the TV series is an expanded version, but it's fairly easy to follow even if you don't have the book.
Credits Series director: Isao Takahata
Episode diredtors:Atsuji Hayakawa, Masao Kuroda
Voice actors: Kazuko Sugiyama (Heidi), Kohei Miyauchi (Grandfather), Ryouko Yoshida (Clara), Noriko Kohara (Peter), Miyoko Asabu (Miss Lottenmeyer), Toshiko Sawada (narrator) Data from Ben Ettinger
Episodes 52
Release Ger:TV, It:TV
TV Showing See the whole series for free? This series may be syndicated to regional cable, satellite or terrestial TV stations. For Europe click here.
Date 1974 January 6 - 1974 December 29
Production Zuiyo Enterprise
Broadcaster Fuji TV
References & Help Look up the latest data on this title at:
Richard Llewellyn's Animated Divots, or
Anime News Network (see Encyclopedia section) ,
or in "The Anime Encyclopedia" (Clements & McCarthy, Stone Bridge Press, 2001).
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