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Title (English) Pollyanna
Title (Japanese) ai shoujo porianna monogatari

book cover

Fantasy Novel

Notes English name: Story of Pollyanna, Girl of Love
From books by: Eleanor Porter (Pollyanna) A title in Fuji TV & Nippon Animation's World Masterpiece Theater (meisaku)TV anime series of adaptations of classic children's books.

From the famous novel by Eleanor Porter.
Classification WMT
Synopsis Orphaned Pollyanna is sent to stay with her aunt, a rich woman who dislikes disorder and hyper-active children, and installs her neice in a miserable attic room.
Pollyanna's bright and cheerful personality wins over all who know her, including, eventually, her aunt.
Review Pollyanna | Aunt Polly | View from Pollyanna's Window | After a fall
The eponymous heroine's name has almost passed into the language as a synonym for looking on the bright side of life! This is yet another WMT anime, as beautifully animated as any of the others, except that the character design for Pollyanna looks quite wrong for a girl of eleven. In the opening episodes, young Pollyanna is sent to stay with her aunt, and manages to react to a nasty attic room and a punishment bread-and-milk dinner with characteristic enthusiasm.
It looks good, but I wasn't overly enthusiastic about the script so far. and Pollyanna's German voicing is a bit shrill and annoying. Too much of a morally improving fantasy for my taste. I think Amy March is a less irritating child :-)
The Boston episodes, in which Pollyanna, recovering from a serious back injury, stays with rich but depressed Aunt Carew, are from the second Pollyanna book.
Credits Series Director: Kozo Kuzuba
Character Design: Yoshiharu SatoData from Ben Ettinger
Episodes 51
Release Jap:VHS, Jap:DVD, Ger:TV
TV Showing See the whole series for free? This series may be syndicated to regional cable, satellite or terrestial TV stations. For Europe click here.
Date 1986 January 12 - 1986 December 28
Production Nippon Animation
Broadcaster Fuji TV
References & Help Look up the latest data on this title at:
Richard Llewellyn's Animated Divots, or
Anime News Network (see Encyclopedia section) ,
or in "The Anime Encyclopedia" (Clements & McCarthy, Stone Bridge Press, 2001).
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