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Title (English) Haikara-san Passes By
Title (Japanese) Haikara-san ga Touru

book cover

Fantasy Novel

Notes Based on a manga by YAMATO Waki, published in Shoujo Friend magazine.
Jap. VHS: 2 Tapes 120 min each.
Classification shoujo
Synopsis Otenpa girl Benio was chosen as the wife of a handsome lieutenant (sorry I am not sure about his rank) from a wealthy family. There is the old grandma and the strict housekeeper with whom Benio has a lot of conflict. Period should be prewar Japan. At times tear-jerker, at times laugh till your side split. (CSP)

It's about a teenaged Japanese girl in the early part of the 1900's who doesn't want to become an "ordinary" Japanese housewife. Instead she wants to be "modern" and in her attempts to do so, involves herself in all sorts of funny and charming predicaments.

Review A wonderfully warm, funny and charming shoujo series from 1978 that is being re-broadcast on NHK BS2. This is a story of a Japanese girl in the early part of the Twentieth Century who wants to be modern. There is no magic in the show, just a lot of fun. One of the more interesting aspects of this show is to compare the protagonists determination and general chutzpa with so many shoujo heroines in series today.
This is definitely a show about characters, with a great supporting cast. Ranmaru, in particular, who was raised to play girl's parts in Kabuki theater and can't quite "get the gist" of acting like a guy ( although he is anything but gay ), is only one of the many memorable characters.
Rating a true classic and consistently fun.
The character designs are sort of halfway between those of "Tokimeki Tonight" and "Rose of Versailles", while the general animation style and backgrounds are sort of a cross between "Tokimeki Tonight" and the early "Urusei Yatsura".

It's too bad that this wonderful series isn't better known. Maybe now that the "Kids Station" has brought it back it will be released on DVD and get some modern recognition. Watching the show, I got the feeling that the original author of the manga behind the anime had based the stories about Benio on a grandmother's stories of her youth they seem that real. Summary A classic shoujo romantic comedy set in the early 1920's in Japan, about a teenaged girl who wants to be "modern" and her romance with a young, handsome, German-Japanese Army officer. Rating : B+ (Dave Baranyi)

I liked the book much better. IMHO, the artwork of the anime series was somewhat coarse. (LLB) Rating **

Episodes 42
Release Jap:VHS
TV Showing See the whole series for free? This series may be syndicated to regional cable, satellite or terrestial TV stations. For Europe click here.
Date 1978 June 3 - 1979 March 31
Production Nippon Animation
References & Help Look up the latest data on this title at:
Richard Llewellyn's Animated Divots, or
Anime News Network (see Encyclopedia section) ,
or in "The Anime Encyclopedia" (Clements & McCarthy, Stone Bridge Press, 2001).
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