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Title (English) Captain Future
Title (Japanese) Captain Future

book cover

Fantasy Novel

Notes Dates: November 7, 1978-October 30, 1979; Number of episodes:?
Production Company: Toei Animation
Based upon the old early 1940's series of stories by Edmond Hamilton.
Classification -
Synopsis Super space hero Captain Future and his sidekicks fight evil in the universe.
Review For those of you with some familiarity with the "pulp" age of science fiction, the name "Captain Future" might sound familiar. Sure enough, this anime is based upon the old early 1940's series of stories by Edmond Hamilton. Well, the "Captain Future" anime series captured everything that was boring and cheesy about pulp sci-fi of 60 years ago, slavishly copying the stupefyingly dull pseudo-science narration, the brain-dead juvenile plots and the humorlessness that has been a cliché for "stupor heroes" since the 1930's. One might try to excuse this as being an "early" work of animation, but hey, 1978 wasn't that long ago, and this series would have been embarrassing in 1958, and probably even in 1938.
So what is it about? Super space hero Captain Future and his sidekicks fight evil in the universe. 'Nuff said. The NHK hostess was struggling to explain why they were digging into the archives for this series - she sounded like she was trying to talk down to two-year olds. Any two-year old would have long since hit the "FF" button or changed the channel. (Dave Baranyi)

I recorded one episode of this, in which Future and his companions, who include a robot or two, are sent back into the past to investigate the history of the asteroid belt. While this series might be entertainment for very young viewers, it's complete bosh, the kind of "science fiction" that hasn't changed much in fifty years. (GC)

Credits Episode Directors: Shigeo Hirota, Tomoji Katsumata, Kiyoshi Kawikubo, Kozo Morishita, Hideki Takayama, Akira Yokoi Voice Actors (regular characters): Hirokawa Taichiru (Captain Future), Eiko Masuyama (Joan Randall), Keiichi Noda (Otto), Kenichi Ogata (Grag), Kazuhiko Inoue (Ken Scott), Kiyoshi Kawikubo (Simon Wright)
Episodes 52
TV Showing See the whole series for free? This series may be syndicated to regional cable, satellite or terrestial TV stations. For Europe click here.
Date 1978 November 7 - 1979 October 30
Production Toei Animation
Broadcaster NHK
References & Help Look up the latest data on this title at:
Richard Llewellyn's Animated Divots, or
Anime News Network (see Encyclopedia section) ,
or in "The Anime Encyclopedia" (Clements & McCarthy, Stone Bridge Press, 2001).
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