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Title (English) A Tree in a Sunny Place
Title (Japanese) Hidamari no Ki

book cover

Fantasy Novel

Notes April 5, 2000-September 19, 2000 , no. of eps=25
Also on R2 DVD. First disk is VPBY-11074, 74 minutes long ( 3 episodes ) and costs 5800 Yen.
Based upon a manga by Osamu Tezuka from the early 80's.
Classification -
Synopsis A story set in the mid-1800's about a young doctor who has been trained in Western-style medicine and a young samurai who is trying to live up to the old traditions of his class and culture.
The story is actually based upon real people - the doctor, Ryo-an, was Tezuka's great grandfather.
Review "Hidamari no Ki" is a serious historical drama based upon a manga by Osamu Tezuka from the early 80's. It is a story set in the mid-1800's about a young doctor who has been trained in Western-style medicine and a young samurai who is trying to live up to the old traditions of his class and culture. The story is actually based upon real people - the doctor, Ryo-an, was Tezuka's great grandfather. The show was produced by Madhouse and the sound track is by the marvelous Keiko Matsui. ( If you don't know who she is, you aren't listening to enough contemporary jazz. ) The animation is good and the character designs nicely realistic. The disk is VPBY-11074, 74 minutes long ( 3 episodes ) and costs 5800 Yen.
The first three episodes of the story set up the two main characters - Ryo-an, who is a bit of a playboy and very enthusiastic about life, and Manjiro, a solemn young samurai who is struggling to live in the tradition of his class and family. Their paths continue to cross - they've run into each other in the past and don't necessarily get along too well - and now they both like the same young woman. Ryo-an then gets a chance to go off to Osaka to hone his skills and Manjiro gets involved in some of the local samurai power struggles.
The stories are leisurely paced, with intermittent bursts of action. There is no "magic" or "power" being used here - instead we have a bunch of very human characters making their way through life during turbulent and changing times. This is not a children's anime - the characters are adults and the situations are adult. All-in-all, its a refreshingly fresh and intriguing story. I'll definitely buy the rest of the DVD's, and the sound track. (Dave Baranyi)

The storysetting was quite realistic though there were some fictions as Tezuka did. I am not into the anime series yet but am a big fan of the original manga.
In that story, Tekijyuku, a private medical school established by Ogata Koan was the basis of Osaka University Medical College, and I still belong to this medical department. My dad and my grandpa were also graduates of the First Department of (Internal) Medicine, Osaka University Medical College. (Osaka was the birthplace of modern medicine in Japan). And my birthplace was close to the stage. My kindergarten was just close to Tekijyuku (now a museum) so 'Hidamari no Ki' was very familar to me. (CALCI )

Episodes 25
Release Jap:DVD
TV Showing See the whole series for free? This series may be syndicated to regional cable, satellite or terrestial TV stations. For Europe click here.
Date 2000 April 5 - 2000 September 19
Production Madhouse
Broadcaster Nippon TV
References & Help Look up the latest data on this title at:
Richard Llewellyn's Animated Divots, or
Anime News Network (see Encyclopedia section) ,
or in "The Anime Encyclopedia" (Clements & McCarthy, Stone Bridge Press, 2001).
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