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Title (English) Fruits Basket
Title (Japanese) Fruits Basket

book cover

Fantasy Novel

Notes Alt J. title = Furuba.
Creator: Natsuki Takaya
Classification shoujo
Synopsis High school student Honda Tohru has been recently orphaned and is trying to live on her own in a tent when she runs into the folks who own the land where she is staying. They invite her in to stay with them, in exchange for Tohru doing the housekeeping. But this is no ordinary landowning family - they have a curse over them that causes them to turn into the animals of the Chinese zodiac when they are grabbed by someone of the opposite sex.
Review In the first eight episodes we mainly find out the backgrounds of various members of the Sohmas, especially cousins Yuki ( who turns into the Rat ) and Kyo ( who turns into the non-zodiac Cat ), who are also in Tohru's class at school. Everyone's stories are poignant with occasional gentle humorous touches. But underneath all of the stories is a sense of a desire for the just-out-of-reach "normalcy" that everyone else seems to have. The story of Hatori ( the "dragon", who turns into a sea horse ) in episode 8, especially catches the underlying melancholy undertone of the series.
Add to this very pretty and poignant opening and closing theme songs, and "KareKano"-style animation and you have a series that is destined to become a classic. (Dave Baranyi)

I just watched the second episode of the new TV Tokyo shoujo anime, "Fruits Basket". My friend missed taping the first episode, but I was able to find a number of web sites via Anipike and get the general gist of the story line. High school student Honda Tohru has been recently orphaned and is trying to live on her own in a tent when she runs into the folks who own the land where she is staying. They invite her in to stay with them, in exchange for Tohru doing the housekeeping. But this is no ordinary landowning family - they have a curse over them that causes them to turn into the animals of the Chinese zodiac when they are grabbed by someone of the opposite sex.
Having read that plot line, I went into the anime expecting some sort of shoujo variation on "Ranma 1/2", but instead the show has more of the feeling of "Da Da Da" with character designs from "Yami no Matsuei". The show appears to be a mix of comedy and drama from the one episode I've seen so far. Tohru is a very engaging heroine, and as with many shoujo series, most of the time in this early episode was spent in character development.
The animation is average at best - there are plenty of static scenes interspersed with a few higher quality momentary images. The music is quite nice and laid back. The most jarring aspect so far is the voice of the "rat", Sohma Yuki, because his voice is so much higher pitched than that of Tohru.
So from this one episode, I'm fairly positive so far about "Fruits Basket" and I am looking forwards to seeing more episodes.

Later: This shoujo-fantasy is definitely turning into a classic. It takes all the traditional shoujo elements of characterization and melodrama and puts them into a totally appealing story each week. Sure, all of the characters have tragic pasts, but it is done so well, and the characters are so likable that it all works. Rating - A+
(Dave Baranyi)

I've seen one episode of this, and I liked it. The animation isn't great, but the characters are interesting and it's often funny and sometimes a bit melodramatic. I'd like to see more. (GC)

Credits Series Director: Takeshi Mori
Episodes 26
Release US:DVD
TV Showing See the whole series for free? This series may be syndicated to regional cable, satellite or terrestial TV stations. For Europe click here.
Date 2001 July 5 -
Production Studio Deen
Broadcaster TV Tokyo?
References & Help Look up the latest data on this title at:
Richard Llewellyn's Animated Divots, or
Anime News Network (see Encyclopedia section) ,
or in "The Anime Encyclopedia" (Clements & McCarthy, Stone Bridge Press, 2001).
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