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Title (English) Salaryman Kintaro
Title (Japanese) Salaryman Kintaro

book cover

Fantasy Novel

Notes The DVD is from Bandai Visual, TV series
BCBA-0883, 16:9 aspect ratio, 4800 Yen, 100 minutes ( 4 episodes ). According to CD Japan this was a 20 part series.
Classification -
Synopsis Kintaro, former leader of a widely feared and respected biker gang, decides that its time to "straighten out" and become a "salaryman" since his wife died and he has to take care of his young son.
Review I just finished watching the first two episodes of the TBS anime series "Salaryman Kintaro", which was broadcast earlier this year. My friend didn't tape this series, so I bought the first DVD to try it out. The DVD is from Bandai Visual, BCBA-0883, 16:9 aspect ratio, 4800 Yen, 100 minutes ( 4 episodes ). According to CD Japan this was a 20 part series.
"Kintaro" is not your "usual" anime - it isn't sci-fi or fantasy, nor is it about school kids. Instead, it's about Kintaro, former leader of a widely feared and respected biker gang, who decides that its time to "straighten out" and become a "salaryman" since his wife died and he has to take care of his young son. Kintaro is very serious about this "career change", so even as he is being given the worst jobs ( e.g. he starts out as a pencil sharpener ) he does his best to excel at anything he does. But just by "being there", Kintaro causes things to "change" as he refuses to be molded into the typically submissive office worker stereotype.
To a good extent, "Salaryman Kintaro" reminds me a lot of "GTO", with its "fish out of water" premise. Like "GTO", "Kintaro" has a mix of humor, action and social satire. But unlike "GTO", "Kintaro" was done on a typically limited TBS budget. The animation is sparse but competent. The character designs are also a bit old fashioned, but I believe that the series is based upon a manga series, so that has probably influenced the style. The music is unremarkable.
I haven't decided yet if I will buy the rest of the series. I still have to watch episodes 3 and 4 off of this DVD. It hasn't totally "grabbed" me, but it is interesting to listen to the "masculine" speech instead of the typical "kids speech" that is used in so many anime. To a good extent, watching "Kintaro" is more like watching a "dorama" than an anime.
(Dave Baranyi)
Episodes 20
Release Jap:DVD
TV Showing See the whole series for free? This series may be syndicated to regional cable, satellite or terrestial TV stations. For Europe click here.
Date 2001 February 18 - 2001 March 18
Broadcaster BS-i satellite network
References & Help Look up the latest data on this title at:
Richard Llewellyn's Animated Divots, or
Anime News Network (see Encyclopedia section) ,
or in "The Anime Encyclopedia" (Clements & McCarthy, Stone Bridge Press, 2001).
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