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Title (English) Gaistars
Title (Japanese) Gaistars

book cover

Fantasy Novel

Notes Gaistars, Fractions of the Earth
co-production of TV Osaka and "Frame Entertainment" (Korean)
Classification -
Review You know, its been quite a while since I've seen a really bad anime. I'm not talking about something that just isn't interesting, or is merely derivative, or somewhat boring, or requires an unusual degree of suspension of disbelief. I'm talking about something that is memorably bad - a show that combines the worst characteristics and cliches that, by themselves may be tolerable in a given series, but are rarely seen altogether in one place at one time. Such a show is the new series "Gaistars, Fractions of the Earth", which is a co-production of TV Osaka and something called "Frame Entertainment", which I am assuming is a Korean company, because the "official" site for "Gaistars" is in Korean.
BTW - I'm reading the title as "Gaistars" because the katakana are "Ga I Su Ta Zu". The Frame site calls it "Geisters". TV Osaka's site calls it "Guystars". Oh yes, all of the locations and the anime itself have the subtitle "Fractions of the Earth" in English. Not that "Fractions of the Earth" makes any sort of sense to me.
Okay, what is the show about? Well, it starts off with a 10 minute prelude, in which we watch as, at the end of the 21st Century, a giant asteroid or something hits the Earth, wiping out everything and everyone who isn't safe underground or in space. Then we switch to 300 years later, where a space station is launching monsters down to the Earth, and where a team of fighters goes off to fight the monsters. As is typical in so many bad kids sci-fi cartoons, the guns, rockets and so on of the "normal" solders don't scratch the monsters, but the heroes have secret power suits ( secret even to them ) that can kill the monsters with one punch. So what we have is a collection of cliches that have populated boring sci-fi kids shows since at least the 1950's. ( And I guess if I asked my Dad about the Saturday serials he used to watch in the 30's, he would be able to tell me about similar plots in the stories then. )
But it's not just the painfully mundane plotting that makes this series a real cringer - you've got to see the atrocious level of the animation to believe it. It is almost as if the animation were done by 4 or more different houses, and no one tried to coordinate it or even QC it. It is the most god-awful agglomeration of 2D and 3D CG you've ever seen. Not only does the 3DCG clash with the 2D graphics, but frame after frame they are merged together with an absolutely uncanny ability to make everything look amateurishly pathetic. And worst of all are the character scenes of the Gaistars team members - I haven't seen such bad "mouth only" animation since I used to watch "She-Ra" and "He-Man" with my daughter 15 years ago.
Then you have the nauseating chore of trying to suspend belief. For example, somehow, in only 300 years, all sorts of new creatures have evolved at the same time as the human civilization has rebounded. One such case are the horse-sized blue chickens that are used as mounts by some nomads. Interestingly enough, the computer screens in the battle craft still give "error" messages in English. And of course, there are the "horrible" monsters that are the size of grown tyrannosaurs, with lots of teeth and retractable jaws and tentacles, which can withstand any sort of attack, except for a punch.
The bad part is that it appears that this series will have the sort of Van Vogtian "wheels within wheels" plot that I enjoy, but I can't imagine sticking through the rest of the garbage to watch it unfold. As far as the character designs go, despite TV Osaka's "Guystars" translation of the title, the characters are neither bishounen nor bishoujou, just "generic" youth fighters. On the plus side, the opening theme song isn't too bad, but it isn't good enough for me to look for the CD. Already, during the middle commercial break, they were advertising the release of the videos "real soon". Sorry folks, you couldn't pay me to take them.
In any event, if you want to watch a current post-apocalypse series that avoids most of these problems, try "Scryed" instead, particularly if you liked "Infinite Revius".

"Gaisters" 2 episodes seen: Possibly the dullest new anime being broadcast, "Gaisters" rivals the repeats of "Captain Future" in its potential to cure insomnia. The first 15 minutes of the first episode were spent in a needlessly dull set-up for the story, and not to be outdone, the first 15 minutes of the second episode were spent showing a political debate between some of the background characters. Add to this the poorly integrated 3DCG and the totally predictable fight scenes and this is a series that I find totally unwatchable. Needless to say, I asked my friend to stop taping it after the first episode and I don't regret that decision a bit. Rating : none this one's only for you if you don't have any paint conveniently nearby to watch dry.
Dave Baranyi ( Still shuddering from the experience. )

TV Showing See the whole series for free? This series may be syndicated to regional cable, satellite or terrestial TV stations. For Europe click here.
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References & Help Look up the latest data on this title at:
Richard Llewellyn's Animated Divots, or
Anime News Network (see Encyclopedia section) ,
or in "The Anime Encyclopedia" (Clements & McCarthy, Stone Bridge Press, 2001).
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