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Title (English) Vandread the Second Stage
Title (Japanese) Vandread the Second Stage

book cover

Fantasy Novel

Notes New series, 2001, sequel to "Vandread"
Classification -
Review I know that there are legions of "Vandread" fans out there, but I'm not one of them. I watched the first 8 or so episodes of the first series before I could convince my friend in Japan to stop bothering to tape it for me. And ahead of the first broadcast I also asked my friend to not bother to tape the sequel, "Vandread the Second Stage". But I must have been too "cute" with my writing, or else my friend did what I do when there is nothing better to fill up a tape with for her, and taped it anyway. So here are my thoughts on the first episode of "Vandread Second Stage".
Well, it is definitely a sequel - all the same folks are around who were around when I last saw the series. But now Dita is very pregnant, and the running joke in the first episode was that most of the other girls were trying to get Hibiki to get them pregnant too. For some reason the character designs seem just a little less well done, as if the details haven't been filled in as much. But the other reason for watching this series ( beyond the fan service ) is, of course, the 3DCG, which was there in full force again. The show is also in 16:9 aspect ration. The music was okay, but again, that's also not why anyone watches this series.
Another problem is that I watched this show just after watching the first episode of "Tenshi no Shippo" and I keep on wanting to call it "Hamster Girls in Space".
So if you liked the original "Vandread", there is a lot more here for you to like again. If on the other hand, if the original "Vandread" didn't do anything for you, there are lots of other new anime out there to watch.

"Vandread Second Stage" 3 episodes seen: TV Tokyo should loan some of the "skin" in this show over to Wowow to add to "X"-TV. (g) As with the original Vandread series, we still have our three heroes stuck on board a giant spaceship with hundreds of girls, many of who keep their gravity-defying anatomy in as little clothing as possible most of the time. Yes, I know, this is a sex-farce and yes, I realize that it has some pretensions of presenting some "serious" messages, but I couldn't get into the first series, and I don't find the second series any more interesting, so I've asked my friend to stop taping it for me. Rating : none this one's for you only if you feel that jiggling boobs and spaceship fights make for an interesting series.
(Dave Baranyi)

Credits Dir: Takeshi Mori
Episodes 13
Release US:DVD
TV Showing See the whole series for free? This series may be syndicated to regional cable, satellite or terrestial TV stations. For Europe click here.
Date 2001 October 5 -
Production Media Factory, G.D.H., Gonzo
Broadcaster WOWOW
Animation Gonzo
References & Help Look up the latest data on this title at:
Richard Llewellyn's Animated Divots, or
Anime News Network (see Encyclopedia section) ,
or in "The Anime Encyclopedia" (Clements & McCarthy, Stone Bridge Press, 2001).
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