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Title (English) Maison Ikkoku
Title (Japanese) Maison Ikkoku

book cover

Fantasy Novel

Notes Fr.= "Juliette Je t'aime"
Classification -
Synopsis Hopeless student lives at boarding house inhabited by noisy, nosy drunks. Decides to stay on seeing gorgeous new caretaker. Their on/off romance carries on for years despite innumerable complications, as he tries to pass his exams and get a job. Love on the dole is not an option!
Review One of the anime classics.
Akemi & Yotsuya
It has an ongoing storyline - though it takes a long time to get there. You'll love it - or think the hero just needs a kick up the backside. (G. Cowie)

The "Maison Ikkoku" episode was the one where Godai has to leave the high school teaching job because of Yagami. It is like many of the episodes - watchable but not totally memorable. I guess I'm sort of an "iconoclast", but unlike a lot of MI addicts, I find Yagami to be one of the more interesting characters. She is certainly a lot more likeable than the uptight and neurotic Kyoko. BTW - I never cease to be amazed at the rather old-fashioned opening and closing themes for MI. the music tends to sound like European love songs from the late 1950's.
(Dave Baranyi)

Credits From a manga by: Rumiko Takahashi.
Episode Directors: Tomomitsu Mochizuki ; Producer(s): ? Storyboard(s): ? Layout: ? Character Designer(s): Yuji Moriyama ; Genre(s): comedy, romance, daily life
Episodes 96
Release US:VHS
TV Showing See the whole series for free? This series may be syndicated to regional cable, satellite or terrestial TV stations. For Europe click here.
Date 1986 March 26 - 1988 March 2
Production Kitty Film
References & Help Look up the latest data on this title at:
Richard Llewellyn's Animated Divots, or
Anime News Network (see Encyclopedia section) ,
or in "The Anime Encyclopedia" (Clements & McCarthy, Stone Bridge Press, 2001).
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