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Title (English) Vampire Kids
Title (Japanese) Vampiyan Kids

book cover

Fantasy Novel

Notes October 13, 2001-
Animation:: Xebec, prod: Production IG, Fuji TV
broadcaster: Fuji-TV
Classification -
Synopsis Summary: A kids fantasy/comedy about a vampire/witch family that is exiled to earth. (DB)
Review I just got a chance to watch an episode of the recent anime, "Vampiyan Kids" that is playing on Fuji-TV on Saturdays. It started in October, but I didn't ask my friend to tape it for me at the time because, from the look of the ads for it, it looked like an American cartoon series that had been brought to Japan. Well, it's not, but it sure is a lot like US cartoons.
The story is an update of the "monster family" story in the old anime "Tokimeki Tonight", except that Su is a grade schooler, whereas Ranzie in "Tokimeki Tonight" was a teenager. Little Su, along with her Mama and Papa are "monsters" and go back and forth from the "monster world" to the human world. Su and her Papa are vampires. Mama seems to be more of a witch. Su has taken a liking to a little human boy named Ko, as has Papa, who, however, would like to drink Ko's blood. Mama is a very close take-off on Jessica Rabbit from "Roger Rabbit", with not quite the same bust, but with very similar eyes and speech.
As with Ranzie in "Tokimeki Tonight", Su uses her various magic powers, unreliable as they are, to try to fix the messes that her father causes, while hiding their monster origins. In the episode I saw, Su joined a "monster club" after joining Ko's school. Su couldn't understand why the other kids found monsters scary.
The overall look, animation style and character design is very much like American cartoons. Su's character design in particular, reminds me of some other character, but I can't put my finger on it right now. ( You can check out the characters at the Fuji-TV site at - if you figure out who Su looks like, please let me know. )
"Vampiyan Kids" is unapologetically a kids comedy series. There is really no new ground being broken here, but it is cute and entertaining. ( And you have to see Su in her vampire form to get a real "cute" rush. )
Rating : B+ (Dave Baranyi)
TV Showing See the whole series for free? This series may be syndicated to regional cable, satellite or terrestial TV stations. For Europe click here.
Date 2001 October 13 -
Production Production IG, Fuji TV
Broadcaster Fuji TV
Animation Xebec
References & Help Look up the latest data on this title at:
Richard Llewellyn's Animated Divots, or
Anime News Network (see Encyclopedia section) ,
or in "The Anime Encyclopedia" (Clements & McCarthy, Stone Bridge Press, 2001).
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