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Title (English) Neon Genesis Evangelion
Title (Japanese) Shin Seiki Evangelion

book cover

Fantasy Novel

Notes Literal tr.= New Century Evangelion.

Classification -
Synopsis Alien forces come to Earth again - the "Second Impact". To oppose them, schoolchildren are used to pilot "EVAs" - semi-sentient robots incorporating alien technology.
Review One of the most talked about anime of the past few years. With interesting characters, complex action, exciting battle scenes and half-defined philosophical concepts, only occasionally falls flat on its face, as in the scene where they sink a battleship just so that it sinks in the right place to stick in a free-swimming Angel's mouth.
I hear that Asuka Soryu Langley is a favourite character with fans in some countries. Hardly surprising considering how catatonic some of the other chars. are. Of course Asuka is brattish, over-confident and annoying, but you'd have to be flinty hearted not to be won over by a girl who faces apparently certain death so bravely in episode 10.
Eps. #21,22. These two episodes are from late in the series, very downbeat, the first having a lot of flashbacks to before 2015, and the second showing a miserable and under-achieving Asuka Soryu Langley. An excellent piece of scripting. I have to say that, after seeing Asuka nearly die so bravely in an earlier episode, I come over all soppy inside every time she comes on screen.
Credits Series Director: Hideaki Anno ; Writer(s): Hideaki Anno; Character Designer(s): Yoshiyuki Sadamoto, Ikuto Yamashita (mecha) ;Voice Actors (regular characters): Megumi Ogata (Shinji Ikari), Mitsuishi Kotono (), Megumi Hayashibara (Rei Ayanami), Yuko Miyamura (Asuka Langley)
Genre(s): science fiction, giant robots, genetic engineering, junior high school
Episodes 26
TV Showing See the whole series for free? This series may be syndicated to regional cable, satellite or terrestial TV stations. For Europe click here.
Date 1995 October 4 - 1996
Production Gainax
References & Help Look up the latest data on this title at:
Richard Llewellyn's Animated Divots, or
Anime News Network (see Encyclopedia section) ,
or in "The Anime Encyclopedia" (Clements & McCarthy, Stone Bridge Press, 2001).
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