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Title (English) hack//sign
Title (Japanese) .hack//sign

book cover

Fantasy Novel

Notes ".hack//sign"
16:9 aspect ratio
Classification -
Synopsis RPG-like anime.
Review Well, it's "trippy time" at TV Tokyo. I just saw the first episode of the new TV Tokyo anime ".hack//sign" and it is quite an ambitious series. It’s being broadcast in 16:9 aspect ratio, with a sound track that is very reminiscent of the "Noir" soundtrack, including the use of Bee Train on the opening theme. The animation is also quite ambitious. But it’s the "Lain-like" start to the show that is most intriguing.
The episode starts out as a white-haired boy named Shi awakens in what appears to be the inside of a large, dead giant beast. Next to Shi is a treasure chest. Shi has no idea why he is there, or where he is, but he can teleport around to various locations in what soon appears to be a virtual world in some sort of RPG. Shi wants to get out to the "real world", but can't find a way to do it. He also runs into some characters who want to battle him, despite the fact that he would rather just try to find out what is going on. And something about that strange virtual world seems to be trying to help Shi. To a good extent I got feeling from the first episode that the creators of the story were not just trying to invent an RPG world but were also making subtle references to "Through the Looking Glass". The lack of clear explanations, along with the dream-like scenarios and the Noir-like music all added to a developing mystery that kept my interest. The episode almost went by too fast. I will definitely have to ask my friend to keep on sending ".hack//sign" to me. (Dave Baranyi)

Sort of an update of TRON that started with great promise but is becoming the big disappointment of the year - it is way too long and slow for the premise and plot resolution. It would have been a much better show at half the number of episodes. - Rating C+ and falling. (Dave Baranyi)

Credits Series dir: Kouichi Mashimo
Episodes 26
Release US:DVD
TV Showing See the whole series for free? This series may be syndicated to regional cable, satellite or terrestial TV stations. For Europe click here.
Date 2002 April 4 -
Production Bandai Visual, .hack Project
Broadcaster TV Tokyo
Animation Bee Train
References & Help Look up the latest data on this title at:
Richard Llewellyn's Animated Divots, or
Anime News Network (see Encyclopedia section) ,
or in "The Anime Encyclopedia" (Clements & McCarthy, Stone Bridge Press, 2001).
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