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Title (English) Rizelmine
Title (Japanese) Rizelmine

book cover

Fantasy Novel

Classification -
Synopsis Unpretentious lunacy about a genetically engineered 12 year old girl who comes to live in the home of a not very pleased 15 year old boy.
Review "Rizelmine" is a "cute super girl" shounen series, which quite happily and shamelessly rips off both "Urusei Yatsura" and "Tenshi ni Narumon". Fifteen year old Tomonori is riding his bike home in a state of pure anger - his homeroom teacher has just announced that she is engaged to be married, and Tomonori had developed a big crush on her. But when Tomonori stomps into his house, he is greeted by Rizel, who is a pink-haired version of Noelle from "Tenchi ni Narumon", who grabs him and calls him "husband". And she has the legal paperwork to prove it!
Tomonori is taken totally aback by this and thinks it is crazy, but three "Men in Black" from the Government pop out of a closet to tell Tomonori that everything is "for real". The Government just wants a little "favor" form Tomonori and his parents - Rizel was cloned in a secret government project, is now 12 years old, has unspecified super powers and for some reason has been programmed to be in love with Tomonori. The Men in Black bribe Tomonori's parents to accept the situation and take in Rizel but Tomonori doesn't accept it, and attempts to throw Rizel out. Rizel then asks Tomonori if he really means that he doesn't want her, and he emphatically yells "yes", at which point the Men in Black run for cover and we find out that Rizel's tears are highly explosive! Tomonori desperately apologizes and very reluctantly agrees to let Rizel stay. Rizel is overjoyed at this and prepares to be a "wife" to Tomonori to the "full extent". But Tomonori is not ready to take Rizel as a "wife" at this stage, so he sets her up in the closet in his room. ( At this point I was half expecting Rumiko Takahashi to send Inu Yasha over to gut all the staff of this show. )
The episode was only half of the half hour time slot, which was a bit unfortunate from my perspective, because even though "Rizelmine" unabashedly steals from UY and TniN, it is still quite funny and enjoyable, and I really like the opening song ( which is very reminiscent of some of the UY openings too ). One thing that is still bothering me - Tomonori's character design reminds me a lot of some other recent shounen character, but I just can't remember who.
(Dave Baranyi)

"Rizelmine" - The more I watch this new series, the more I like it. Sure, it is a rip-off of "Urusei Yatsura", but it is done with such energy, enthusiasm and charm that I find myself wanting more right afterwards. Also, Rizel is neither a Lum clone nor a Noelle clone - instead she is cute and puppy-like in a way that reminds me of Doris from "D4 Princess". I also love the opening song and can't wait to order the CD when it comes out in a couple of months.
The TV series didn't actually finish the story and more is supposed to come out in September. - Rating B+ (Dave Baranyi)

Three dark-suited men from the Government live with the family, behaving more like fond uncles. Rizel is a kind of fantasy variant of the "annoying little sister" as well as being that anime staple, the unwanted "girlfriend" with magical powers.
Entertaining and funny, but not exceptional enough to make me want to seek out much more of it. (GC)

Credits Series dir: Yasuhiro Muramatsu
Episodes 24
TV Showing See the whole series for free? This series may be syndicated to regional cable, satellite or terrestial TV stations. For Europe click here.
Date 2002 April 2 -
Production m.o.e., Madhouse, IMAGIN
Broadcaster Kids Station
Animation Madhouse, IMAGIN
References & Help Look up the latest data on this title at:
Richard Llewellyn's Animated Divots, or
Anime News Network (see Encyclopedia section) ,
or in "The Anime Encyclopedia" (Clements & McCarthy, Stone Bridge Press, 2001).
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