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Title (English) Rockman Exe
Title (Japanese) Rockman. EXE

book cover

Fantasy Novel

Notes ="Megaman Battle Network"
From the Capcom game of the same name (Rockman.exe).
Classification -
Review I just watched the first episode of the new TV Tokyo shounen action anime, "Rockman Exe", which started at the beginning of March. The series is based upon the character in the game of the same name by Capcom. The show is aimed at a pre-teen crowd and delivers the expected levels of action, humor, and camaraderie for this sort of series.
The show is set in a future world where life is generally more "wired" than today, but there are still old fashioned touches, such as a fresh fish monger who wanders around with fish in an ice chest in the back of his bicycle. Netto, the 5th grader boy who is the hero of the series, is having problems with his run-of-the-mill "Navi" - a computer program playmate who resides in Netto's portable computer/game console. Then Netto's father, who is working away from home, sends Netto an upgrade to the program, which results in the super strong, albeit small in stature, Rockman being installed in Netto's machine.
The Navi's such as Rockman are A.I. programs with personalities similar to that of their owners. Rockman quickly shows his value to Netto by destroying some rampaging bugs in the controller program of the oven in Netto's house - the bugs had set to oven out of control and it was threatening to burn down the house. Later Netto and Rockman had a chance to save a girl classmate of Netto whose oven also went out of control. We also found out that unknown forces were attempting to take over the world's networks with their own super Navi's, which were starting out "small" by causing those fires.
"Rockman Exe" feels a lot like a cross between "Angelic Layer", "Corrector Yui" and "Medalrobots". If you like these sorts of shounen action shows, you may very well enjoy "Rockman Exe". It's an okay series by the standards of these sorts of shows, but it didn't do a lot for me, so I've asked my friend in Japan not to bother to send more episodes. You can see some of the artwork and get a more info at the TV Tokyo anime web site at .
(Dave Baranyi)
TV Showing See the whole series for free? This series may be syndicated to regional cable, satellite or terrestial TV stations. For Europe click here.
Date 2002 Mar 4 -
Production Capcom
Broadcaster TV Tokyo
References & Help Look up the latest data on this title at:
Richard Llewellyn's Animated Divots, or
Anime News Network (see Encyclopedia section) ,
or in "The Anime Encyclopedia" (Clements & McCarthy, Stone Bridge Press, 2001).
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