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Title (English) A Cheeky Angel
Title (Japanese) Tenshi na Konamaiki

book cover

Fantasy Novel

Notes Broadcast in wide screen 16:9 aspect ratio.
Classification -
Synopsis A boy who wants to be a "man amongst men" ticks off the wrong demon and is instead transformed into everyone's dream girl. Now (s)he has to put up with the unwanted attention of every guy in town. (DB).
Review There's a new "angel" in town, but if you're a guy, you might want to give "her" a wide berth if you want to stay in one piece. Yes, Shogakukan and TV Tokyo's anime version of the Shonen Sunday manga series "Tenshi na Konamaiki" /"A Cheeky Angel" has hit the airwaves in Japan. I just watched the first episode on tape and it looks as if this new series will be a lot of fun.
What is the story about? Well, it's basically a fairly simple story of a boy, a girl and a spell gone wrong. (g) Fifteen year old Megumi Amatsuka is the girl of every guy's dreams where ever she goes - her hair, face and body stop everyone in their tracks, even the girls. However, there is one little problem - 6 years before Megumi was a hotheaded boy, who made the mistake of saving a mysterious old magician, then demanding a reward for it. So the magician gave him a magic book with a tiny harlequin genie inside and disappeared. Megumi demanded that the harlequin turn him into the "manliest man on the planet". The harlequin instead as a prank turned Megumi into a girl. Megumi got so upset that he pitched the magic book into the river in a fit of anger. Only Megumi's childhood friend Miki Hanakain remembered that Megumi had been a boy - everyone else's memories, and even photos, are of Megumi as a girl.
So now at 15 Megumi is still hot tempered and still quite good with martial arts, much to everyone's surprise considering Megumi's appearance. Megumi also has difficulty speaking like a girl. So the stage is set for a really odd comedy/fantasy.
There are a couple of strange things about the broadcast. First off, although the show is being broadcast in wide screen 16:9 aspect ratio, the general animation level is very simple - this is not a show for folks who demand high frame rates in their anime. The opening theme also copies shamelessly off of the opening theme for "Scryed", as well as its inspiration, the Ricky Martin song "She Bangs". But all-in-all, I found "A Cheeky Angel" to be a lot of fun and I'm looking forward to seeing more episodes.
(Dave Baranyi)

"A Cheeky Angel" - The opening song is a blast, the characters are appealing and the animation is quirky. Those three things together are maintaining my interest and enjoyment of this series. I only wonder, however, how the plot line and dramatic tension are going to be maintained. And I'm also beginning to wonder if Megumi was ever a boy at all, or is this some sort of psychological rejection of oncoming adulthood. (Dave Baranyi).

This is another variation of the gender-change themes that quite often appear in anime. Megumi is quite convincing as a girl - she is dismayed by boys' one-track minds and, like most girls, she is interested in clothes, but reacts violently when boys try to get close. There's a big lout who she beats up and whom she says she hates - but why does she save him from being beaten up by a gang?

What makes this worth watching is that as we observe the adolescents and their high-energy interactions, it seems that the script is close to the mark. Hard to explain, but it's a complete contrast to the glossy unreality of e.g. "UFO Princess Walkure" and has more of the ring of truth than most "high-school" anime. The animation is simplistic and the rather murky style leaves us to imagine that Megumi is gorgeous rather than seeing it on screen, but that's not a serious drawback. And yes, it is quite funny. (GC)

TV Showing See the whole series for free? This series may be syndicated to regional cable, satellite or terrestial TV stations. For Europe click here.
Date 2002
Production Shogakukan
Broadcaster TV Tokyo
References & Help Look up the latest data on this title at:
Richard Llewellyn's Animated Divots, or
Anime News Network (see Encyclopedia section) ,
or in "The Anime Encyclopedia" (Clements & McCarthy, Stone Bridge Press, 2001).
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