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Title (English) Zenki
Title (Japanese) Kishin doji Zenki

book cover

Fantasy Novel

Classification -
Synopsis Energetic 16 year old shrine girl Chiaki has to contend with 1000 year old demon, usually in the form of an irritating kid-brother sized being.
Review This is one of those average anime that after a while one can only recollect as "Isn't that the one where…" The scenario is that because of a renewed magical attack on our world, the bonds confining the demon Zenki, who was formerly used by a great master to defeat forest demons and then confined forever, have been loosened. The heroine, Chiaki, a pretty and energetic 16 year old schoolgirl, instructed by her grandma, is able to release Zenki to full size and power, and then re-confine him as a being the size of a small boy. Chiaki (like her grandma) is a direct descendant of the Master who originally bound the demon.
In each of the following episodes basically the same thing happens: an evil magician sets loose a Seed of Possession (usually sealed away in a temple), which fastens on some human frailty. The host behaves oddly till the "Possession Beast xxx" of the week bursts forth in all its horrible hugeness. Zenki scents the presence of the Seed of Posession, and he and Chiaki try to stop it. Zenki gets knocked flat, then Chiaki remembers that she needs to release him, and performs the spell. The full-size full-power Zenki usually trashes the demon in a few minutes, and is then returned to pint-size, much to his fury. However he picks up the Seed of Possession and eats it with cries of delight.
Chiaki treats the small Zenki in exactly the way that energetic teenage girls treat their irritating kid brothers, I.e. she beats him up and treats him with extreme disrespect, unlike her grandma, who always calls him "Great Zenki".

All this starts to wear thin after a few episodes, even though Chiaki is quite nice to look at, heh.

Credits Creator(s): Yoshihiro Kuroiwa
Series Director: Junichi Nishimura
Episodes 51
Release Jap, US:VHS, US:DVD
TV Showing See the whole series for free? This series may be syndicated to regional cable, satellite or terrestial TV stations. For Europe click here.
Date 1995 January 9 - 1995 December 25
Production Kitty Film
Broadcaster TV Tokyo
Animation Studio Deen
References & Help Look up the latest data on this title at:
Richard Llewellyn's Animated Divots, or
Anime News Network (see Encyclopedia section) ,
or in "The Anime Encyclopedia" (Clements & McCarthy, Stone Bridge Press, 2001).
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