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Title (English) Naruto
Title (Japanese) Naruto

book cover

Fantasy Novel

Notes More information on the series is available at the web site at :
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Synopsis "Naruto" is set in a ninja fantasy world, in which ninja organizations provide various "private army" services for pay to the general public. These services run the gamut from catching stray cats ( for the lowest level junior ninjas ) to bodyguard assignments, all the way to assassinations and political intrigue ( for the higher level ninjas ). Kids go to "ninja school" and compete to become ninjas. (Dave Baranyi)
Review I've now had a chance to watch the first half dozen episodes of the new TV Tokyo shounen action series, "Naruto", and I'm still not totally sure of what to make of it. In many ways the series is reminiscent of "One Piece" in terms of the mix of action and comedy, the oddly self-consistent world, and the presence of lots of anachronisms. There are also lots of ads for "One Piece" games during the episodes of "Naruto", which emphasizes the feelings of similarity.
The plot revolves around three 12 year old classmates who get accepted into the local ninja clan. First off is Naruto, who is very enthusiastic but a bit of a "goof" in many ways. He also has magic powers – under the right circumstances he can form numerous copies of himself to help him fight. Naruto also has a hopeless crush on his classmate Sakura.
Sakura is the second of the trio. She has grown up with Naruto and definitely considers him a goof. Sakura hasn't shown any particular special abilities so far, but has one funny characteristic. Quite often we get to see what she is really thinking during a given situation via a "thought bubble" in which Sakura is portrayed as a negative sketch ( white outline on a black background ). What Sakura really thinks is written on her forehead. Sakura at best "tolerates" Naruto and is usually repulsed by his advances, and has herself a hopeless crush herself on their classmate Sasuke.
Sasuke, the third member of the group, is the ultra-cool, ultra-skilled and ultra-aloof loner of the class. He is almost at the ability level of the teachers and not only has great general ninja skills but has also mastered many magical ninja tricks. Not only Sakura, but all of the girls in the class feel Sasuke is hot, but he isn't interested in any of them.
Finally, there is their laconic but very highly skilled teacher Kakashi, who forces the three junior ninjas to learn to work together as a team.
The animation in the show is slightly better than the average kid's anime, and uses non-typical character designs. For example, I can't yet figure out if the three lines on both of Naruto's cheeks are supposed to be scars, folds or cat-like whiskers. As far as the plot goes, nothing too unique or original has happened yet, but at the same time the stories have been better than the average shounen action series. The music, while not memorable, isn't irritating either. And typical of many recent TV Tokyo shounen series that are aimed at the pre-teen crowd, there is no particularly obvious fan service either.
So all-in-all, while not unique or challenging, "Naruto" does manage to set itself apart from the crowd of ordinary shounen action series by approaching a fantasy situation in a solidly intelligent and entertaining manner.
(Dave Baranyi)
Credits Creator: Masashi Kishimoto (manga)
Series director: Hayato Date
Episodes 220
TV Showing See the whole series for free? This series may be syndicated to regional cable, satellite or terrestial TV stations. For Europe click here.
Date 2002 October 3, 2002-
Broadcaster TV Tokyo
Animation Studio Pierrot
References & Help Look up the latest data on this title at:
Richard Llewellyn's Animated Divots, or
Anime News Network (see Encyclopedia section) ,
or in "The Anime Encyclopedia" (Clements & McCarthy, Stone Bridge Press, 2001).
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