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Title (English) Happy Lesson
Title (Japanese) Happy Lesson

book cover

Fantasy Novel

Notes Spin-off from game & OAV series.
Classification -
Synopsis Orphaned student Hitotose Yuusaku lives in his inherited house with five attractive young female teachers who all teach at his school, and all want to mother him. Confusingly they all look like high school girls. Other characters include the two school lechers and the class president (with long hair and glasses) who is solicitous of Hitotose's welfare.
Review Episode 1:
It can be very funny, with post-modern gags about time-filling and about anime cliches. An attempt is made to give the five teachers distinctive characters - the sporty one, the mad scientist one, the artistic one, etc. Average and somewhat generic animation of the females, though the lechers' teeth are brilliant.

Later episode:
I'm not sure what this is supposed to be - in the episode I saw the hero's extended family go on a skiing holiday in the mountains. Hitotose hates exercise and doesn't want to ski, but is dragged out by his mother and taken on what turns out to be a dangerous training run, in which he whizzes down master-grade slopes, becomes a snowball and falls over a cliff.
He and his mother ( who looks and acts more like his sister) then have to walk out, minus skis. They become lost, snowbound, the mother hurts her leg. When they find shelter, she apologises for being such a rotten mother and having to be looked after instead of looking after him. Then the hut is hit by an avalanche.

This is funny but overall it's average stuff.

Credits Series Dir: Akira Suzuki
Character design: Yasuhisa Kato, Rondo Minakami
Voice actors: Ruri Asano (Mutsuki Ichimonji), Akiko Kimura (Kisaragi Ninomai), Kikuko Inoue (Yayoi Sanzein), Kimiko Koyama (Uduki Shitennou), Kaoru Sasajima (Satsuki Gokajo), Nana Mizuki (Minaduki Rokumatsuri), Ryoka Shima (Fumitsuki Nanakorobi), Mie Sonozaki (Haduki Yazakura), Daisuke Kishio (Chitose Hitotose)
Episodes 13
TV Showing See the whole series for free? This series may be syndicated to regional cable, satellite or terrestial TV stations. For Europe click here.
Date 2002 April 1 - 2002 June 30
Production KSS
Broadcaster Kids Station
Animation KSS
References & Help Look up the latest data on this title at:
Richard Llewellyn's Animated Divots, or
Anime News Network (see Encyclopedia section) ,
or in "The Anime Encyclopedia" (Clements & McCarthy, Stone Bridge Press, 2001).
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