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Title (English) Galaxy Angel Z
Title (Japanese) Galaxy Angel Z

book cover

Fantasy Novel

Notes No knowledge of series 1 required. 19x 10 min eps. Also 3rd series from Oct.6 ,2002
Classification -
Synopsis Game show like sci-fi farce with pretty girls.
Review Do I really have to explain what this was about? There was a televised show where the girls have to compete for a prize over an obstacle course, and a robot toy that the main character can't get rid of.

Funny, but, as I've just demonstrated, rather forgettable stuff. Not recommended.

Credits Series dir: Morio Asaka, Yoshimitsu Ohashi
Char. Designer:Mariko Fujita, Takeshi Takakura (mecha)
Ryoko Shintani (Milfeulle Sakuraba), Miyuki Sawashiro (Mint Blancmange), Mika Kanai (Vanilla H/Nomad), Yukari Tamura (Ranpha Frambroise), Mayumi Yamaguchi (Forte Stollen), Keiji Fujiwara (Volcott O Huey) oice actors: Ryoko Shintani (Milfeulle Sakuraba), Miyuki Sawashiro (Mint Blancmange), Mika Kanai (Vanilla H/Nomad), Yukari Tamura (Ranpha Frambroise), Mayumi Yamaguchi (Forte Stollen), Keiji Fujiwara (Volcott O Huey)
Episodes 19
TV Showing See the whole series for free? This series may be syndicated to regional cable, satellite or terrestial TV stations. For Europe click here.
Date 2002 February 2 - 2002 March 31
Production Broccoli, Bandai Visual, TV Osaka
Broadcaster TV Tokyo
Animation Madhouse
References & Help Look up the latest data on this title at:
Richard Llewellyn's Animated Divots, or
Anime News Network (see Encyclopedia section) ,
or in "The Anime Encyclopedia" (Clements & McCarthy, Stone Bridge Press, 2001).
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