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Title (English) E's Otherwise
Title (Japanese) E's Otherwise

book cover

Fantasy Novel

Classification -
Synopsis Psychics in future apocalypse scenario.
Review The other night I watched the first episode of the new TV Tokyo sci-fi series "E's Otherwise", which is a Studio Pierrot production based upon a manga from "G Fantasy" magazine. The opening animation immediately made me think : "X, junior", minus the CLAMP character designs. Then the action in the first episode made me modify that to : "X Hunter Robin".

In some far distant future, fifteen year old Kai Kudo is brought into the psychic crime fighting organization Ashurum by the tall, mysterious and somewhat bishii Eiji Sagimiya. Kai has agreed to join up and be a psychic crime fighter partly because this way he can take advantage of the superior hospital facilities of Ashurum for his ill little sister Hikaru. Immediately upon Kai's entry into the organization one of the other espers, little, blond and busty Shinru takes a liking to Kai, but her colleague Shenron takes an immediate dislike to Kai.

Kai is at a disadvantage because most of the other espers in Ashurum have been there since they were little kids. But with hard work Kai eventually gets to the point where he can be sent out his first mission - to capture a criminal esper who has just killed a policeman. Kai catches up to the killer and demonstrates his abilities easily. But as the criminal is being taken away Kai asks Eiji what will happen to the criminal. Eiji is rather non-committal and changes the subject. Is this a hint that things aren't quite what they seem?

All-in-all, the first episode of "E's Otherwise" was okay, but didn't really grab me. The animation is average at best, with occasional bursts of adequate CG. Once again, a fair number of the animators are Korean. The music is also okay, but not memorable. The character designs are also rather generic to TV Tokyo shounen action series, with a fair number of "cute" girls. The ending animation gives away a big hint that Shinru is not going to get Kai's attention, but the girl shown there didn't appear in the first episode. In any event, I'll watch the series for a while, but there was not really anything there unique enough to get me to start to plan to order the R2 DVDs.

Dave Baranyi

Moody bishounen and strong female characters work out their angst. The principal character tries to express his opposition to violence but just gets his partner killed, then in a later incident he is himself injured, found and hospitalised by the other side. Not bad, with plenty of action and strong characterisation, but not exceptional either. (GC)

Credits Series dir: Shimoda Masami
Episodes 26
TV Showing See the whole series for free? This series may be syndicated to regional cable, satellite or terrestial TV stations. For Europe click here.
Date 2003 April 1 -
Production Sotsu Agency
Broadcaster TV Tokyo
Animation Studio Pierrot
References & Help Look up the latest data on this title at:
Richard Llewellyn's Animated Divots, or
Anime News Network (see Encyclopedia section) ,
or in "The Anime Encyclopedia" (Clements & McCarthy, Stone Bridge Press, 2001).
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