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Title (English) Comet-san (2)
Title (Japanese) Comet-san

book cover

Fantasy Novel

Notes A remake of an old anime series that is aimed at little girls.
Classification shoujo
Synopsis About a space Princess who is sent to Earth to learn something about life and herself.
Review "Comet-san" is anything but "cool". It is a rather old-fashioned mahou shoujo story - is based upon a live action show of about 20 years ago. The character designs, music and plot are also old-fashioned. In this episode, for instance, Comet-san makes a garden grow to completion over night, but learns the lesson that it is important to let things take their natural time. The show is also quite leisurely paced. But all those things make it rather attractive to me - there is a sort of "timelessness" about it that will last long after today's "cool" shows seem terribly dated. So I've asked my friend to continue to tape "Comet-san" for me.

Comet-san: a remake of an old anime series that is aimed at little girls, about a space Princess who is sent to Earth to learn something about life and herself. This mahou-shoujo series is very cute and sweet, with all the expected old-fashioned lessons on life, love and true happiness. Rating for all fans of classic anime this show updates the look and feel but retains all the charm of the old series. (Dave Baranyi)

Comet-san, a princess form the planet Harmonica, is sent to a party where a prince from the planet Tambourine is to be present. Her parents and advisers hope they will become betrothed. However he disappears, and it seems he has gone to Earth (another silly name for a planet?). Comet-san's mother spent some time on earth years previously. Comet-san, who is not unwilling, is sent to Earth to search for him, departing by means of a flying toy train.

Once you get past the opening few minutes, a rather technicoloured Toys 'R Us view of spacegoing life, it looks much better. In fact it's altogether charming, as the delightful Comet-san finds out all about life on Earth the hard way. (GC)

Credits Dir: Mamoru Kobe
Episodes 12
TV Showing See the whole series for free? This series may be syndicated to regional cable, satellite or terrestial TV stations. For Europe click here.
Date 2001
Production Nippon Animation
Broadcaster TV Tokyo
References & Help Look up the latest data on this title at:
Richard Llewellyn's Animated Divots, or
Anime News Network (see Encyclopedia section) ,
or in "The Anime Encyclopedia" (Clements & McCarthy, Stone Bridge Press, 2001).
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