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Title (English) Wolf's Rain
Title (Japanese) Wolf's Rain

book cover

Fantasy Novel

Notes Vol #1 R2 DVD - Bandai Emotion BCBA-1601, 80 minutes - episodes 1-3 , 4:3 aspect ratio, 6000 Yen. Along with the DVD there is a "gift" - a kerchief-sized wall hanging showing the main five characters and the production credits in English.
26 broadcast episodes +4 =30 eps.
Classification -
Synopsis Mysterious sentient wolves try to remain hidden from Humanity. The wolves can appear as humans if they wish, and it's generally a good idea if they do that, because otherwise they are ruthlessly hunted. Four disparate wolves come together by chance while a mysterious girl is taken from a tank of liquid by an even more mysterious and powerful "Lord" who appears to collect the beautiful and rare. There are lots of chases and some killings - and the wolves appear to have nearly miraculous restorative powers.
Review This evening I finally got an opportunity to try out "Wolf's Rain", the high profile Bones sci-fi fantasy anime from earlier this year. Since I wasn't able to get the series off of TV, I ordered the first R2 DVD - Bandai Emotion BCBA-1601, 80 minutes - episodes 1-3 , 4:3 aspect ratio, 6000 Yen. Along with the DVD there was a "gift" - a kerchief-sized wall hanging showing the main five characters and the production credits in English. The soundtrack, opening and closing themes are all by Yoko Kanno.

The animation in the first three episodes is quite impressive, although the character designs are a bit uneven. It's sort of "Miyazaki meets Saiyuki" as we get introduced to a snowy, bleak landscape and decaying future domed city. That, along with the attack on the railroad in the opening, reminded me immediately of "Overman King Gainer". But despite the similarities, what "Wolf's Rain" doesn't have is either the grand vistas of Miyazaki or the subtle humor of Tomino.

The first three episodes are quite leisurely paced, with a fair amount of shounen angst There are also a number of continuity problems such as blood that covers a fair amount of white fur one moment, and is totally missing the next. ( I own a Dal and know first hand how hard it is to keep short white fur clean, let alone long white wolf fur. ) The opening attack on the train is also too pat - the train is armored and heavily defended, yet the hodge-podge group of raiders easily stop it, but just end up carrying off a few handfuls of food items. But I might have ignored those small items and the occasional other questionable scenes, but for the fact that I just didn't end up caring about any of the four main characters. And a series that is billed as a "road trip" had better have compelling characters to carry it beyond the cliches.

So what we have here is a series with great background animation and a Yoko Kanno score that while not too memorable, at least isn't overwhelmed by "world music". But the first three episodes can't get beyond the cliches of the "decaying world" school of sci-fi and forego any attempt at irony, let alone humor. Speaking of the backgrounds, a lot of them reminded me of "Technolyze", which is another serious, slow dystopian sci-fi series that didn't grab my attention.

If I were receiving "Wolf's Rain" on tape I would probably continue to watch it for a while, just in case it went beyond the current plot line, but it's not worth the cost of additional R2 DVDs to me. Maybe if it eventually comes out on video in NA I'll rent the rest of it.
(Dave Baranyi)

Credits The soundtrack, opening and closing themes are all by Yoko Kanno.
Episodes 26
TV Showing See the whole series for free? This series may be syndicated to regional cable, satellite or terrestial TV stations. For Europe click here.
Date 2003-01-06 to 2003-07-29
Production Bones
References & Help Look up the latest data on this title at:
Richard Llewellyn's Animated Divots, or
Anime News Network (see Encyclopedia section) ,
or in "The Anime Encyclopedia" (Clements & McCarthy, Stone Bridge Press, 2001).
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