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Title (English) Popotan
Title (Japanese) Popotan

book cover

Fantasy Novel

Notes Website at
Derived from Petit Ferret videogame.
Classification -
Synopsis Boy photographer hoping to photograph ghosts visits a house, finds three cute girls and robot maid. Hilarity ensues. They help him fake some ghost photos. These are a hit at school, but he is later found out. On his next visit he finds the girls swimming, then they go to the pasture to look for popotans (dandelions).
Review "Popotan" is another of the summer anime that I didn't bother with at the time it first came out because I again assumed that it was just another "dumb cute girl" show. But since I've recently had the time to catch up on sampling various shows that I missed from this year, I decided to try "Popotan" out anyway, and I was rather surprised that it wasn't as I expected. Certainly, I wouldn't go out and spend money on this series, and to a good extent it still is a "dumb cute girl" show, but there is a certain charm and inventiveness to the first couple of episodes.

For those not familiar with the show, what we have here are a series of vignettes about three sisters, their maid and their pet okojo (Japanese ermine), who appear and disappear like dandelion flowers, thus the title of the show, which is a play on the Japanese name for dandelion – Tampopo. The character designs are quite similar to those in "Nurse Witch Komugi-chan" and the animation is generally quite bright and well done.

The three sisters Ai, Mai and Mii (I wonder if they eat strawberry eggs with their toast at breakfast?) are all very cute and provide lots of fan service for the audience. Ai is oldest, very busty and very laid back, Mai, who is in the middle, is a perky, hot tempered red head and Mii, the youngest, is an overly hyper pre-teen. Their maid, Mea, is a "Big O" Dorothy-clone, and acts as if she is an android, but she does take baths. The okojo, called Usagi, gets to do a transformation act into an okojo-girl at the end of the show and sort of introduce the upcoming episode.

Not much happens in the first couple of episodes – some unsuspecting local runs into the girls, is somewhat changed by the experience, and the girls disappear, only to reappear at some different place in the following episode. So this is true summer brain-candy – easy to look at, not at all irritating, and eminently forgettable. But I'm intrigued enough to want to see what happens and if the girl's moves have any answer or reason in the end.
(Dave Baranyi)

TV Showing See the whole series for free? This series may be syndicated to regional cable, satellite or terrestial TV stations. For Europe click here.
Date 2003 July 17 -
Broadcaster BS-i satellite
Animation Shaft
References & Help Look up the latest data on this title at:
Richard Llewellyn's Animated Divots, or
Anime News Network (see Encyclopedia section) ,
or in "The Anime Encyclopedia" (Clements & McCarthy, Stone Bridge Press, 2001).
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