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Title (English) Battle Programmer Shirase
Title (Japanese) Battle Programmer Shirase

book cover

Fantasy Novel

Notes 12 minutes per episode.
Classification -
Review Battle Programmer Shirase is one of the saddest anime series of the year. Not sad in the sense of the plot or characterization, but sad in the sense that it is depressing to see the lows to which AIC has sunk over time. What we have here is a poorly executed, poorly thought-out, overextended single-joke show that is almost embarrassing to watch when you consider the entertaining works that AIC put out in the past. "BPS" brings together all of the weakest aspects of AIC's anime - the over reuse of character designs, unfunny jokes, out-of-touch "coolness" and lack of focus. I'm guessing that they thought they would be "trendy" with this half-length series, but they failed miserably in the first couple of episodes.

What we have here is sort of a cross between "Kacho O-ji" and "Hand Maid May", without the sexy Cyberdolls, and without the humor or energy of "O-ji". Shirase is a stereotypical (programs all night, sleeps all day) "free programmer" who only takes on projects that he likes, and does so for goods in exchange but not for money, so we are supposed to tell from that that he is a "good guy" and not a "hacker". A big company asks Shirase to help them track down a hacker who has stolen a supercomputer from them, and Shirase reluctantly (laconically?) agrees to help. In parallel there is a developing story of Shirase's young niece who comes over regularly to take care of his house for him, and who doesn't mind hiking her short skirt to let Shirase grab a peek. There is also a flashback in episode 2 that tries to start to develop a bit more character for Shirase, but he still comes over pretty much as a schmuck, and not an interesting one at that.

So it's hard for me to tell what is the point to Battle Programmer Shirase - i.e., why bother to make it, other than to fill up a time slot. And when you consider that it is paired up with another truly vacuous half-length show, "Bottle Fairy", that has got to be a late night time slot that would better filled and more entertaining with a test pattern.

(Dave Baranyi)

Episodes 15
TV Showing See the whole series for free? This series may be syndicated to regional cable, satellite or terrestial TV stations. For Europe click here.
Date 2003 Oct 4 -
Broadcaster Hiroshima TV
References & Help Look up the latest data on this title at:
Richard Llewellyn's Animated Divots, or
Anime News Network (see Encyclopedia section) ,
or in "The Anime Encyclopedia" (Clements & McCarthy, Stone Bridge Press, 2001).
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