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Title (English) Nanaka 6/17
Title (Japanese) Nanaka 6/17

book cover

Fantasy Novel

Classification -
Synopsis The story centers around 17 year old Nanaka Kirisato, a "study-aholic" who is constantly trying to convince her childhood friend Nenji Nagihara to stop acting like a kid and "grow up". One rainy day after school Nenji finally loses his temper and tells Nanaka off for being so bossy. Nanaka passes out in shock and falls down a flight of stairs. When she later wakes up in hospital, Nanaka has regressed to her six year old self and has forgotten the subsequent 11 years.
Review I recently received and watched the final R2 DVD of the individual release of "Nanaka 6/17". The series had originally been released as a box set shortly after the end of the TV broadcast. At the time, I didn't know what to expect, and didn't want to commit the money for the box set sight-unseen, so I tried the first R2 DVD, found that I really enjoyed the show, and ordered the remaining three R2 DVDs as they were released. The individual R2 DVDs were fairly basic, with no booklets and also did not contain the extra episode that came out in the box release. Never-the-less, it was a worthwhile purchase.

The story in "Nanaka 6/17" is an interesting change of pace – there are no fantasy nor sci-fi elements, yet it isn't simply a "boy-meets-girl" style shounen romance either. Instead, "Nanaka 6/17" is a sweet, funny and sometimes poignant look at friendship in times of trouble. The story centers around 17 year old Nanaka Kirisato, a "study-aholic" who is constantly trying to convince her childhood friend Nenji Nagihara to stop acting like a kid and "grow up". One rainy day after school Nenji finally loses his temper and tells Nanaka off for being so bossy. Nanaka passes out in shock and falls down a flight of stairs. When she later wakes up in hospital, Nanaka has regressed to her six year old self and has forgotten the subsequent 11 years. Six is the age at which Nanaka's mother died, and at the time Nenji helped Nanaka cope with it by convincing her that they could use the "magic" of Nanaka's favorite TV anime character, Domiko, to grow up together. Nenji feels responsibility for the accident and offers to help Nanaka6 grow up and help her adapt to a world she no longer knows in terms that Nanaka6 can understand. So Nenji goes along with the rationalization of Nanaka6 that they must have been the victims of a magic spell, and he doesn't tell their classmates of her problems.

**Warning! Plot Spoilers!**

The story then plays on the humor inherent in Nenji's attempts to hide the change from others - Nanaka has gone essentially "overnight" from being overly-serious loner to being child-like and gregarious. But things start to become more serious and complicated when Nanaka starts to sporadically return to her 17 year old self, then regress again. The two versions of Nanaka don't remember each other, however the childish joy of Nanaka6 has started to break down the barriers between Nanaka and her classmates, and Nanaka17 notices the difference. From this, Nanaka17 starts to realize what is actually happening and eventually confronts Nenji about the situation. She wants to know who Nenji really prefers, her older self or her younger self. Nenji replies that he cares about both equally, but this isn't the answer that Nanaka17 wants.

What we find out is that Nanaka holds Nenji responsible for who she is today. She took Nenji's childhood words to heart and molded herself into the "adult", serious self-image that Nenji eventually rejected. Even though Nenji changes because of the responsibility for Nanaka6 and becomes the responsible, caring person who Nanaka remembered from their childhood, Nanaka17 still isn't happy, because she feels that Nenji is "hers" and doesn't want to share him with anyone, even her younger self. But, in the same way that Nenji is growing up, Nanaka is growing up too, thanks to her slowly growing awareness and acceptance of both her younger self and her own responsibility in having become who she really is today. Finally, catalyzed by the cancellation of the Domiko TV anime, Nanaka reconciles herself with her younger self and leaves Nanaka6 behind for good.

At this point, the show takes one more unexpected twist – instead of having the "new" Nanaka be an obvious blend of the younger and older personalities, Nanaka is back to her 17 year old self, but with a few very subtle changes that are personified by her continuing study of the piano, something she started as Nanaka6. So both Nanaka and Nenji have matured from this experience.

All-in-all, I was really impressed with this series – it was an intelligent, original "feel good" story, with characters that I cared about, good pacing and a memorable sound track. I recommend it highly.
(Dave Baranyi)

Episodes 13
TV Showing See the whole series for free? This series may be syndicated to regional cable, satellite or terrestial TV stations. For Europe click here.
Date 2003 Jan 8 -
Broadcaster TV Tokyo
Animation JC Staff
References & Help Look up the latest data on this title at:
Richard Llewellyn's Animated Divots, or
Anime News Network (see Encyclopedia section) ,
or in "The Anime Encyclopedia" (Clements & McCarthy, Stone Bridge Press, 2001).
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