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Title (English) Magical Girl Lalabelle
Title (Japanese) Mahou Shoujo Lalabel

book cover

Fantasy Novel

Notes Fr.="Le monde enchante de Lalabel".
An original anime series, although the manga was produced at the same time by Eiko Fujiwara, who also created "Uwasa no Himeko" ("The Infamous Himeko").
Also 15 min. movie. (1980).
Classification shoujo
Synopsis The basic story is that a 10-year-old magical girl called Lalabel discovers that an evil, fat, fame-obsessed wizard called Viscous is stealing magic items from the magical world, and going to the human world to make a fortune there. Trying to stop him, she also falls down to the human world. Since there is no way to go back to the land of magic, she ends up living with old couple Sakuzo and Ume Tachibana. She promises not to use her magic and tries to fit into the human world. She makes two friends with two local children, Toko and Taeko. In each episode, Viscous, with his sidekick Tsumino, schemes something evil to get back the magic items but Lalabel beats him with magic.

Like Akko-chan, the series is set somewhere in Japan, and it completely looks like Japan, which is rather unusual. Like Akko-chan and other series, Lalabel has a mascot, a cat of the magic land called Bira. Lalabel has a magic wand, and travels with a magical suit-case.

Review Character designer shingo Araki gave its heroine a bit squared-face in order to create more like "a girl living in next door". (AAK)
Credits Chief animation director: Mitsuo Shindo
Director: Hiroshi Shidara etc.
Design: Michio Shindo
Episodes 49
TV Showing See the whole series for free? This series may be syndicated to regional cable, satellite or terrestial TV stations. For Europe click here.
Date 1980
Production Toei Doga
References & Help Look up the latest data on this title at:
Richard Llewellyn's Animated Divots, or
Anime News Network (see Encyclopedia section) ,
or in "The Anime Encyclopedia" (Clements & McCarthy, Stone Bridge Press, 2001).
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