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Title (English) School Rumble
Title (Japanese) School Rumble

book cover

Fantasy Novel

Notes School romance comedy
Classification -
Synopsis Delightful school romance comedy in which cute but dim schoolgirl TSUKAMOTO Tenma,16 years old, is the object of the affections of school delinquent and biker HARIMA Kenji (sounds like "Harry Mackenzie", geddit?). She, however is in love with KARASUMA, a youth seemingly devoid of personality who is quite oblivious of her interest. Tenma's three more worldly girl friends Akira, Makoto and Eri provide a kind of chorus. Harima also has an older female cousin who is a teacher at the school, and with whom he is forced to live. Tenma's older sister Yakumo is the object of much adolescent longing which she doesn't welcome.

In the first episode, it's the first day of a new school year, and the characters find out what class they are in. Tenma is ecstatic to discover that she is is the same class as Karasuma, but hears that he is to transfer soon to the USA.

She tries to write him a love letter ( much punning on the word suki) but forgets to sign the scroll she eventually produces. Karasuma, intrigued to discover who wrote it, delays his transfer to the USA by one year. Next, in the school library, Tenma asks Karasuma the pronunciation of various kanji characters in a vain atempt to trick him into pronouncing 'suki'.

Tenma learns that Karasuma cycles to school, and imagines the two of them idling along engaged in conversation. Tenma's girlfriends see her cycling furiously to school in hot pursuit of Karasuma, who is scorching along on an ordinary single-gear push-bike, and Harima, also on a pedal bike, races after them trying to catch up. Inevitably, the exhausted Tenma falls asleep in class, missing her one chance to converse with Karasuma.

Review Notable for the attractive and heart-lifting character designs. It's pleasing that the script gives the various characters, who could so easily be stereotypes, distinct personalities. It's also laugh-out-loud funny. Definitely worth a look.

In general, each episode is divided into several loosely connected sections. It appears that each broadcast episode is split by two eyecatches into three sections, rather than the customary two.

Credits Creator: Jin Kobayashi (manga)
Series director: Shinji Takamatsu
TV Showing See the whole series for free? This series may be syndicated to regional cable, satellite or terrestial TV stations. For Europe click here.
Date 2004 October 5 -
Broadcaster TV Tokyo
Animation Studio Comet
References & Help Look up the latest data on this title at:
Richard Llewellyn's Animated Divots, or
Anime News Network (see Encyclopedia section) ,
or in "The Anime Encyclopedia" (Clements & McCarthy, Stone Bridge Press, 2001).
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