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Title (English) Paradise Kiss
Title (Japanese) Paradise Kiss

book cover

Fantasy Novel

Notes Adapted from Ai Yazawa's "Paradise Kiss" (Parakiss) manga, serialized in "Young You" magazine. "Parakiss" was a spinoff of the popular Gokinjo Monogatari manga, which was serialised in "Ribon" magazine. See also the Gokinjo Monogatari anime.
Classification shoujo
Synopsis Yukari is an obedient high-school student who lfollows her parents wishes, studies hard and attends school everyday. However, she encounters a group of fashion design students who has a clothing label known as "Paradise Kiss". The group needs to find a model to showcase their designs in an up-coming fashion show and decides that Yukari is their ideal model. Initially, Yukari is reluctant to be associated with this group of seemingly eccentric art students, but eventually, she realises that they are really likeable people. Furthermore, on seeing their passion and enthusiasm to follow their ideals and dreams, Yukari realises that she has not been enjoying her life and this motivates her to stop following her parents' wishes and pursue her own dreams. The story follows Yukari as she gets involved in the group and eventually falls in love with one of the students.
Review Seems to be generating some buzz before it's even appeared on-air.

Note that anime that have principal characters of college age are very rare. The only others that come to mind are "Gokinjo Monogatari " and "Honey and Clover". (GC)

"Paradise Kiss" is an interesting experiment - a shoujo romance done in a comic post-modern manner. The opening episode is deliberately fragmentary and almost feels like an homage to the style of the "hip" films of the late 60s and early 70s. The ending animation in particular looks much more like animated openings or closings from American romantic comedies of that era than it does anime. But underlying the barrage of cinematic style is a fairly traditional shoujo romance that anchors the visuals and is itself anchored by the narration of the protagonist Yukari, aka, "Caroline".

The plot is pure shoujo fantasy - Yukari, who is a studious girl in the third year of high school and who is getting ready to go to university, is selected "off the street" to be the spokesmodel for a group of young fashion designers lead by George, a rich-kid third year design school student. Yukari is initially uninterested in the opportunity but is charmed by George and fascinated by her own transformation so she agrees to join the motley but enthusiastic members of "Paradise Kiss".

All-in-all, the opening episode was well done and fun to watch. It appears that the series will be quite short, so we shouldn't see a lot of filler. What does surprise me is that the show is in a late night broadcast slot - the plot and what goes on in the first episode could easily be shown in an early shoujo time slot.

The official site is:
(Dave Baranyi)

Credits Dir: Osamu Kobayashi
Character Design: Nobuteru Yuki
Original Manga: Ai Yazawa
Clothing Design: Atsuro Tayama
TV Showing See the whole series for free? This series may be syndicated to regional cable, satellite or terrestial TV stations. For Europe click here.
Date 2005 Oct 13 -
Production Fuji TV
Broadcaster Fuji TV, Kansai TV, Tokai TV
Animation Madhouse Studios
References & Help Look up the latest data on this title at:
Richard Llewellyn's Animated Divots, or
Anime News Network (see Encyclopedia section) ,
or in "The Anime Encyclopedia" (Clements & McCarthy, Stone Bridge Press, 2001).
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