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Title (English) Kaikan Phrase
Title (Japanese) Kaikan Phrase

book cover

Fantasy Novel

Notes Based on the manga "Sensual Phrase", by Mayu Shinjo, serialised in "Shoujo Comic" magazine.
Classification shoujo
Synopsis Sakuya Ookochi is the young, handsome lead singer for the up and coming group Lucifer. He has looks, talent, a fancy car, yet he also has a deeply troubled past and a difficult personality. His life is changed when his car nearly runs down Aine Yukimura. She is a teenager with a talent for songwriting, and Sakuya falls in love with her and her lyrics immediately. Aine also falls in love with Sakuya, but their relationship is made difficult by obsessive fan girls, Sakuya's half brother, and members of rival bands.
Review recently saw the first two episodes of "Kaikon Phrase". I sort of "scanned" through the first episode of this show a few days ago. It is a "bishounen musician" show that feels almost like a live action TV drama rather than an anime. In fact, the opening and closing are both done in a mix of live action and animation. I was ready to tell my friend in Japan to drop this show, but when I watched the second episode I got caught up in the audaciously outrageous plot and action. I'm not a big fan of "J-rock", which is the "raison d'être" for the show, but there is such a fascinating mix of background music ( lots of "smooth jazz" and "blues" along with the j-rock ) that the music doesn't hinder my enjoyment.

The plot is fairly straight forward - there are a couple of struggling music groups, some musicians who want to join the groups, a "talented" singer who wants to go out on his own, a beautiful "kanemoche" who is interested in the bishounen singer and so on. But somehow the show has so far eluded the pretentiousness that overwhelms so many shoujo and bishounen shows that I've seen, so I am going to stick with it for a while. Those fans who really like shoujo/bishounen shows and modern electric guitar j-rock ought to really like "Kaikon Phrase".
(Dave Baranyi )

Credits Series dir: Hiroko Tokita
Voice actors: Masaya Matikaze (Sakuya), Atsuko Enomoto (Aine), Shinichiro Miki (Yuki), Kenichi Suzumura (Atsuro), Takahiro Sakurai (Santa), Susumu Chiba (Towa)
Episodes 44
TV Showing See the whole series for free? This series may be syndicated to regional cable, satellite or terrestial TV stations. For Europe click here.
Date 1999 April 20 - 2000 March 25
Broadcaster TV Tokyo
Animation Studio Hibari
References & Help Look up the latest data on this title at:
Richard Llewellyn's Animated Divots, or
Anime News Network (see Encyclopedia section) ,
or in "The Anime Encyclopedia" (Clements & McCarthy, Stone Bridge Press, 2001).
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