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Title (English) Victorian Romance Emma
Title (Japanese) Eikoku Koi Monogatari Emma

book cover

Fantasy Novel

Notes Based on a manga by Kaoru Mori. The manga reportedly has already been licenced for publication in the US.
Classification -
Synopsis The story is set in Victorian London. Weathy young William Jounes (Jones?) visits his former governess, and encounters the governess's maid, Emma. Emma is a girl of humble origins who has been educated by her mistress so that she can read and write. Emma and William soon fall in love, a love that crosses the barrier of class and social norms, and is strongly discouraged by William's family.

William is introduced to a "suitable" match, the well-born and beautiful noblewoman Eleanor Campbell, and their families hope that they will marry in a fortituous blend of the Jones's money and the Campbells' nobility. On the other hand, William's exotic school-friend Hakim Atawari, an Indian royal prince, returns to England with an entourage of harem girls and elephants, and encourages William in his pursuit of Emma.

Review I liked the background designs - very realistic-looking buildings, and the creators seemed to have gone to some trouble to get the details right - for instance there is Emma's use of used tea-leaves as a dust-gatherer in episode 1, apparently a typical Victorian idea. Emma is quite plain and quiet, and wears glasses, though when she takes her glasses off at might and lets down her hair she looks nicer.

I confess that on viewing the first episode only I rather took against the storyline, assuming it would be the stock plot where the duo's love is opposed by all, until Emma turns out to be a noble after all, and they marry and ... However by all accounts it's not really like that.

Credits Creator: Kaoru Mori (manga)
Series Director: Tsuneo Kobayashi
Character Design: Keiko Shimizu, Yuko Kusumoto
Episodes 12
TV Showing See the whole series for free? This series may be syndicated to regional cable, satellite or terrestial TV stations. For Europe click here.
Date 2005 April 3 -
Broadcaster TBS
Animation Studio Pierrot
References & Help Look up the latest data on this title at:
Richard Llewellyn's Animated Divots, or
Anime News Network (see Encyclopedia section) ,
or in "The Anime Encyclopedia" (Clements & McCarthy, Stone Bridge Press, 2001).
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