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Title (English) | Dream Hunter Rem |
Title (Japanese) | Dream Hunter Rem... | Advertising Fantasy Novel |
Notes | 3 part OVA series (1986), followed by "New Dream Hunter Rem" (1990-2) 2 part series. There is no US release version. 5 x 45 mins approx. The two-part OVA I (I Part-1: 21 mins, I Part-2: 25 mins) exists in two distinct versions. I part-1 definitely has two versions, one fairly inocuous, the other (Shoki han) decidedly ecchi. Whether more than one version of I Part-2 exists is not clear.
Timings: OVA #1: 45 mins, OVA #2= 58 mins, OVA #3= 55 mins, OVA #4= 41 mins, OVA #5= 50 mins. Releases: The VHS versions of the OVAs include the Shoki han ecchi one. There are LD releases of the OVAs which may be the non-ecchi only, though this is not entirely clear. There is a two-part DVD re-release of the series of more recent date; unforunately this is said not to be re-mastered, and to contain a fault in the audio. |
Classification | - |
Synopsis | Rem can't ever sleep, but she can enter the dream world, so she uses her powers to be a private investigator of the dreamworld. Lieutenant Sakaki does not approve of this. OVA #1 (approx 45 mins) In the first half, (I Part-1), Rem, who looks like a little girl, but is probably older than she looks, since she is an experienced psychic investigator with an office and a car, is asked to take on the case of a girl whose dreams have been invaded by a demon. Visiting a gloomy mansion, Rem enters the girl's dream, and after a confrontation with the demon, she transforms into warrior-swordswoman mode and a battle ensues. Later, Rem suggests that the girl's vulnerability is rooted in loneliness, and what she needs is a nice boyfriend. There is a "Shoki han" ecchi version of this which substitutes two or three scenes with very naughty ones. Earlier, there's a brief scene of a mysterious monk who seems to have nothing to do with the plot. This section ends with a 2-minute "REM sleep documentary." The second half (I Part-2) is an unconnected story in which young women are being gruesomely killed by a sinister spectre, Mephistocles. Rem has the greatest difficulty in disposing of him (in fact he re-appears in OVA 5) OVA 2: set in a school where there has been a series of murders. OVA 3: Rem fights the spirit of a taira warrior executed many centuries earlier. OVA 4: (New series) Rem discovers why young Mina develops sleeping-sickness, and has a fantasy battle. OVA 5: (New series) This is a re-run of the Frankenstein story, and includes familiar visual elements such as the elevating operating table, the lightning, the bolt (here a knife) through the neck, the little girl and her flowers, and a burning mill. Also has the mysterious monk and Mephistocles as characters. All OVAs except the last have a mini-documentary or (OVA #4) an omake at the mid-point. |
Review | OVA I Part-1 isn't bad, and introduces Rem, her method of working, her two animals, and the first of the dream-world battles in which she changes into a rather tasty sword-&-sorcery girl outfit. As for the other OVAs, none of them could be rated as suitable for family viewing, as they contain a good deal of explicit violence, not to mention occasional nudity. In OVA #I Part-2 there is a lot of nasty blood-letting, including one particularly objectionable wounding scene which is more disturbing than any of the optional naughtiness in OVA I Part-1. The Mephistocles character goes on a murder spree, and the detective character comes into the story when his daughter becomes a victim. Years ago I acquired OVAs 2, 3, and 4, which I have watched many times without benefit of any script or synopsis. I was intrigued by the episodes and their dreamlike symbolism. OVA #2 , nearly an hour long, is more ambitious and shows Rem, disguised as a schoolgirl, interacting with other girls, then there's demonic posession, a battle in the dream-world, and even a giant robot. The mysterious monk and the detective are characters in this one. |
Credits | Dir: Satoru Kumazaki, Kiyoshi Nagao, Shinji Okuda. Scr: Shinji Okuda Des: Kazuaki Mori, Masami Aisakata, Akira Inoue Ani: MoriyasuTaniguchi, Masahide Yanasawa Mus: Heitaro Manabe. Prod: Project Team Nagahisa Kikan, Studio Zain. |
Episodes | 5 |
Release | Jap LD, Jap VHS, Jap DVD |
TV Showing | See the whole series for free? This series may be syndicated to regional cable, satellite or terrestial TV stations. For Europe click here. |
Date | 1986 |
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References & Help | Look up the latest data on this title at: Richard Llewellyn's Animated Divots, or Anime News Network (see Encyclopedia section) , or in "The Anime Encyclopedia" (Clements & McCarthy, Stone Bridge Press, 2001). Help & further information. |