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Title (English) Giant Robo...
Title (Japanese) Giant Robo....

book cover

Fantasy Novel

Notes 7 OVAs. 1992/5, Hikari Productions/Amuse Video/Plex/Atlantis
GIANT ROBO PART 1 -The Black Attache Case (Manga Video, 58m,cert PG, £5.99)
Classification -
Review The run time and price are correct! A retro-mecha style anime with a science fantasy theme. The date is ten years after the invention of the Shizuma Drive, a clean and non-polluting source of totally renewable energy. Now Dr Shizuma is running for his life, clutching an attache case that contains a variant of his valuable but dangerous invention, and pursued by a diabolical organisation, Big Fire. The International Police Organisation and its Experts of Justice rescue Shizuma and for the moment frustrate Big Fire's evil plans. The Experts include two sake-swigging martial aritsts, Taiso and Tetsugyu a beautiful young woman, Ginrei, and Daisaku, a boy who commands Giant Robo by means of a writswatch radio. The robot is a metal colossus with a head like that of an Egyptian sphinx. Many of the principal characters have supernatural powers, which gives the action sequences something of the flavour of an American cartoon. In the second half-hour, a construction under Notre Dame, Paris, erects an energy barrier and blacks out most of the city as Big Fire launch another attack.. Reasons for watching: the attractive animation and colouring; the fabulous mecha, the witty direction and the engaging characters and their relationships. Despite all the up-front silliness, this is a highly watchable and entertaining series with some memorable characters. (***) GIANT ROBO #2 (Manga Video, 42 mins, cert.PG, £5.99) In this second volume (which in the preview follows on from the 60 mins of volume 1!) the assault on the Peking headquarters continues, the third attache case is about to be seized by the forces of Big Fire, and the two attache cases in the possession of Big Fire are used to devastating effect in causing the failure of every Shizuma Drive on the planet. They seem to be succeeding in bringing about the 'beautiful night' prophesied by the mad Von Vogel. This is an excellently produced anime, in a satisfactory dub edition, and maintains the standard set by the first part. GIANT ROBO #3 - Magnetic Web Strategy (Manga Video, 35 mins, cert PG, £5.99) In this episode, the black Orb circuits the world, shutting down Shizuma drives in its path and heading for the world's last oil reserves, while the Experts of Justice marshall forces and equipment for a last showdown. But will the Experts deploy the awesome nuclear-powered Giant Robo? Once one gets used to the flamboyant over-the top style of this series, it's great, with colourful characters, thrilling action, and bold designs. I missed an incoming phone call while the final credits of this episode were rolling. For reasons best known to themselves, Manga Video are selling these great videos so cheap (£5.99) that it would be a crime not to buy them! GIANT ROBO #4 (Manga Video, 48 mins, cert 15, £5.99) Another nailbiting episode of this excellent science fantasy series in which those glorious superheroes, the Experts of Justice, battle desperately against the evil forces of Big Fire who are bent on reducing the world to chaos and darkness. Things are not going at all well in the battle for Shanghai, as the magnetic attack on the Eye globe has failed and Giant Robo has been disabled, and the airship Greta Garbo is also overrun and set on fire by intruders. Expert of Justice Taiso makes a last stand, taking on his old enemy Lord Alberto in a battle to the death in an effort to win his companions enough time to escape. This episode maintains the high standard of excitement, animation, characterisation, design and soundtrack set by the previous volumes. The characters, both the good guys like brave Taiso or lovely Ginrei, and the bad guys like the fearsomely villainous Lord Alberto, each with their own special powers, are particularly noteworthy. Verdict: This series is so good and so cheap it would be a crime not to buy it.
Credits Director: Yasuhiro Imagawa
Episodes 7
TV Showing See the whole series for free? This series may be syndicated to regional cable, satellite or terrestial TV stations. For Europe click here.
Date 1992-5
References & Help Look up the latest data on this title at:
Richard Llewellyn's Animated Divots, or
Anime News Network (see Encyclopedia section) ,
or in "The Anime Encyclopedia" (Clements & McCarthy, Stone Bridge Press, 2001).
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