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Title (English) Gunsmith Cats
Title (Japanese) Gunsmith Cats

book cover

Fantasy Novel

Notes OVA series
UK: AD Vision, 30 min, dubbed/subtitled, £12.99.
Classification -
Review GUNSMITH CATS (AD Vision, 70mins, cert 15, dubbed, £12.99) This consists of GUNSMITH CATS #1 (30m) + a 40 minute documentary on the making of the videos. GUNSMITH CATS is a 3-part anime series based on the manga by Kenichi Sonoda, and shows Sonoda's fascination with guns and fast cars. As in the manga, the principal characters are Rally Vincent, young, female gunsmith and bounty hunter, her precocious young associate Minnie May, who is an expert in blowing things up, and researcher ?? Featured in the anime are innumerable guns, and Rally's car, a Shelby Cobra (this is a 370hp American muscle car, for those interested in such things) The whole series is set in Chicago, USA. Rally owns a gunshop and shooting range, and also acts as a bounty hunter. In the first episode she is 'persuaded' by the cops to help with an undercover operation to catch some illegal arms dealers. In the cource of this, a lot of bad guys get shot and a few get blown up. The anime, unashamedly billed as Girls -Guns- Grenades, is in fact enormous fun. It is a distinct improvement on the manga, which was interesting but looked rather colourless and static.The girls behave toughly and look sexy by turns, and there is plenty of humour and lots of moderately violent action. The well-researched backgrounds of Chicago add much to the look and feel of the animation. It's a pure male fantasy, of course, but none the worse for that. One could probably safely commend this to any young men interested in girls, guns, cars and grenades... The 40-minute documentary includes brief clips from the anime, footage from the animators' research trip to Chicago, interviews with the three decidedly cute Japanese voice actresses, and interviews with Sonoda, and if you are already a fan of GUNSMITH CATS (or have just viewed #1) it will be of considerable interest. GUNSMITH CATS #2 (AD Vision, 28 mins, cert 15, subbed/dubbed, £12.99 Another episode in the explosive exploits of Rally Vincent and Minnie May Hopkins. This time they get involved when a Russian gun girl in a bullet proof coat proves more than a match for a police safe house guarding a frightened prisoner. She may prove too much for our heroines too. There's a car chase, of course. Like the first episode, lots of fun for violent minded boys.

(Review of episode 3)
More of the Chicago guns 'n grenades girls, and just as much fun as the first two episodes.The dubbed version is very acceptable, besides it has an American setting.

Episodes 3
Release US:DVD, UK:VHS
TV Showing See the whole series for free? This series may be syndicated to regional cable, satellite or terrestial TV stations. For Europe click here.
Date 1995
References & Help Look up the latest data on this title at:
Richard Llewellyn's Animated Divots, or
Anime News Network (see Encyclopedia section) ,
or in "The Anime Encyclopedia" (Clements & McCarthy, Stone Bridge Press, 2001).
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