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Title (English) Delinquent Detective (Sukeban Deka)
Title (Japanese) Sukeban Deka

book cover

Fantasy Novel

Notes From the manga by WADA Shinji, published in Hana to Yume magazine.
OVA, 2 LD/tape 50 min each (J). [Shoujo Anime List]
UK release: SUKEBAN DEKA #1 (AD Vision, 60 mins, cert??, £12.99, dubbed).
Classification shoujo
Synopsis High school student infiltrates a girl gang for the police. Main character uses a yoyo as a weapon. (ENC)
Review This is the story of Saki, a streetwise bad girl from a criminal family, who is taken out of juvenile prison and blackmailed into rejoining school to spy on a ruthless criminal organisation that camouflages its activities behind the facade of an exclusive high school. She is given as a weapon a device that just looks like a yo-yo. The results are certainly exciting, and at one level this black comedy/crime thriller has a lot going for it, with fights, extortion, criminal plottings, cheating, and so forth, as well as some good character designs, and some amusing characterisations. An altogether hellish view of school life. It's also extremely violent, with frequent vicious fighting - for example, I won't be giving too much of the story away by revealing that two busloads of school students are exterminated in the first few minutes. More importantly, there are at least two gratuitous scenes in which helpless girls are terrified and sexually abused. Such material shows Japanese tastes in a less than flattering light. As a man, rather than an anime fan, I find such scenes thoroughly objectionable and can see no merit in allowing Western youth to see them. It will be interesting to discover whether British censors agree. Verdict - for Adults Only. (GC)

It's so difficult to explain... How do you tell someone that this female delinquent is actually a police detective in a high school that's not unlike some underground crime syndication??? I didn't like the anime version all that much either. (MIN) Rating **

Credits Dir: Takeshi Hirota
Des: Nobuteru Yuki
Episodes 2
Release UK:VHS, Jap:VHS, Jap:LD
TV Showing See the whole series for free? This series may be syndicated to regional cable, satellite or terrestial TV stations. For Europe click here.
Date 1991
Production JH Project, SIDO
Animation Masahiro Kase
References & Help Look up the latest data on this title at:
Richard Llewellyn's Animated Divots, or
Anime News Network (see Encyclopedia section) ,
or in "The Anime Encyclopedia" (Clements & McCarthy, Stone Bridge Press, 2001).
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