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Information | |
Title (English) | Gall Force - Earth Chapter |
Title (Japanese) | Gall Force - Earth Chapter | Advertising Fantasy Novel |
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Notes | NEW GALL FORCE (Manga Video,48 mins, cert.PG, £9.99) |
Classification | - |
Synopsis | |
Review | This is a sort of sequel to the original 3-part Gall Force series, in which we learn that humanity is descended from the Solnoid and Paranoid races, a result brought about by the sacrifices of the original team of all-female fighters from the Starleaf. As a link, some of the same character names appear in the sequel. The date is 2085, and the Earth is a ruined wastland after Mankind's final war. Most of humanity has fled to Mars and the forces that are left are trying to reactivate a set of nuclear missile silos to blast their mechanoid foe, called the MME (though they seemed to be called something else in the dub). Most of the action is in Australia, and involves Sandy Newman and her band of guerilla fighters. She successfully locates one of the missile silos, only to find it blockaded by a previously unknown mystical eco-religion, the Geo Chris, who have a Tree of Revival growing in an underground cavern, and then discovering that the necessarily messy nuclear bombardment is not going to hurt the MME anyway. It was hard to figure out who was doing what where, and perhaps because of my gastric 'flu I didn't much care. Characterisation is minimal. At various points, leaders shout things like "Carry Out the Plan" (obviously nobody could be bothered to script some minimally authentic-sounding orders like "Proceed to shore at five knots, course 045, show no lights"). And the eco-friendly plot message was about as subtle as a mud brick. A miss. NEW GALL FORCE #2 -Earth 2 (Manga Video, 50 mins, cert PG, £9.99) The second of the series in which most of surviving humanity has been evacuated to Mars while a few guerillas left on Earth battle the mechanoid foe, MME. In this episode, rather than landing Martian ground forces, the Mars government sends a massive spaceship with a plasma gun so powerful that it will wreck the whole Earth. Sandy Newman and her fellow guerillas are less than pleased to learn that they are to be wiped out along with the robotic MME. Sandy is captured by the MME, and their GORN controller taps her knowledge of her dead father's arms project. Meanwhile some Martians who disagree with their leaders' policy hijack a spaceship and travel to Earth, intending to stop the plasma attack. The animation is quite well done and there is a lot of combat action and drama. However the video is sunk by its childish plot. Why use such an over-powerful weapon? This is never explained. Why not turn it down a bit or devise some way of limiting the collateral damage?The more I think about it the more stupid it seems. And the number of female characters in command and combat roles goes beyond the point of credibility. The dialogue is littered with simplistic cliches. In short, it's childish stuff, little better than the first episode. |
Credits | |
Episodes | 3 |
Release | UK:VHS |
TV Showing | See the whole series for free? This series may be syndicated to regional cable, satellite or terrestial TV stations. For Europe click here. |
Date | 1989-12-25 |
Production | Animate, Artmic |
Broadcaster | |
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References & Help | Look up the latest data on this title at: Richard Llewellyn's Animated Divots, or Anime News Network (see Encyclopedia section) , or in "The Anime Encyclopedia" (Clements & McCarthy, Stone Bridge Press, 2001). Help & further information. |