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Title (English) Angel Cop
Title (Japanese) Angel Cop

book cover

Fantasy Novel

Notes Angel Cop #1-6, 29 mins. each
The six volumes all have English and Japanese secondary titles.

Classification -
Review ANGEL COP vols 1-6
The first three volumes were made in 1989 and the last three in 1992; there is an obvious difference in the quality
of the two sets.
ANGEL COP 1 (Manga Video, 29 mins, cert 18 £5.99)
A stylish episode with unusually realistic backgrounds depicting modern Tokyo, and some violent action
involving a special licensed to kill security unit with, officially at least, no names, ranks or records. Only in the
final scene is there a hint of the supernatural.
ANGEL COP vols 2 & 3 (Manga Video, 29 mins ea, cert. 18, £5.99
An archetypal 'Cert 18' Manga Video series, full of lethal violence. Volume 1 of this stylish police series looked interesting but the next two volumes step into a higher gear. It has crisp realistic designs and an increasingly convoluted plot involving a communist terrorist outfit, a shoot-to-kill Special Security Force, a shadowy group of Hunters with supernatural powers, governmental corruption and anti-Japan plots, and the kind of heroine who when faced with a hostage situation elects to open fire anyway . With adequate dubbing, heart-stopping action and a plot that is all the more alarming for having some basis in fact, this one really grips. Recommended, but only for viewers who like seeing blood spatter the walls while spent cartridges tinkle across the floor.
ANGEL COP vols 4-6
Loses all credibility; more violence, tedious supernatural powers, major characters wiped out.
Episodes 6
TV Showing See the whole series for free? This series may be syndicated to regional cable, satellite or terrestial TV stations. For Europe click here.
Date 1989,1992
References & Help Look up the latest data on this title at:
Richard Llewellyn's Animated Divots, or
Anime News Network (see Encyclopedia section) ,
or in "The Anime Encyclopedia" (Clements & McCarthy, Stone Bridge Press, 2001).
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