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Title (English) Green Legend Ran
Title (Japanese) Green Legend Ran

book cover

Fantasy Novel

Notes 3 OVAs, Pioneer LDC, 1992
UK: GREEN LEGEND RAN (Pioneer) vols 1 to 2, 45 mins ea, £12.99.
GREEN LEGEND RAN vol 3 (Pioneer, 52 mins, cert 12, £12.99.)
GREEN LEGEND RAN vol 3 (Pioneer, 52 mins, cert 12, £12.99.)
Classification -
Synopsis An all-action SF adventure series with an 'eco' message, this is set in a future where there is no longer free water or clean air. Six large mysterious aliens control the only water sources. It never rains and the "oceans" are giant dustbowls roamed by armed landships. The aliens are worshipped by the elitist "Rodoist" class. Opposed to them are the revolutionary "Hazzard" faction. A teenage orphan boy, RAN, longs to join the Hazzard, and to avenge his mother whom he saw killed by a man with a scar, in factional fighting. He meets the beautiful Aira, a girl with silver-blue hair who seems to hold a key to the alien mysteries.

Vol. 3:
Concluding volume of the thrilling SF eco-adventure. Aira is imprisoned in the holy shrine at Green 5 being interrogated by the Rodoist Bishops. Ran is looking for Aira, and for the man with the scar. Meanwhile the Hazard are plotting "Operation Fireball" to destroy the alien Holy Mother.
Review This is a highly original series, at once SF adventure, love story and cautionary tale, and guaranteed to entertain. The animation contains some superb 'vision' sequences experienced by the characters, as well as some striking background artwork, and the videos have enough depth and subtlety to satisfy the more discerning adult viewer. Deserves to become a classic; a "must" buy for anyone interested in screen SF or animation, and infinitely superior to Star-trek, Star-wars and their ilk.
Brilliant and
beautifully produced; if you don't view this series you're missing some of the best screen SF around.
Credits Series director: Satoshi Sata
Episodes 3
TV Showing See the whole series for free? This series may be syndicated to regional cable, satellite or terrestial TV stations. For Europe click here.
Date 1992
References & Help Look up the latest data on this title at:
Richard Llewellyn's Animated Divots, or
Anime News Network (see Encyclopedia section) ,
or in "The Anime Encyclopedia" (Clements & McCarthy, Stone Bridge Press, 2001).
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