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Title (English) Slowstep
Title (Japanese) Slowstep

book cover

Fantasy Novel

Notes From the manga by ADACHI Mitsuru, published in Flower Comics.
5 LD/tape 43-50 min each. (J).
UK release: SLOWSTEP vol.1 (2 eps.), SLOWSTEP vol.2 (2 eps.), SLOWSTEP vol.3 (1 ep.)
From a manga by Mitsuru ("TOUCH") Adachi. [Shoujo Anime List]
Classification shoujo
Synopsis 17 year-old Minatsu, a softball player, and her classmates the handsome KADOMATSU Naoto and the, in the spirit of Tatsuya, Akiba, who plays boxing. Plus Maria, who is Minatsu in disguise, and the sukebe YAMASAKURA coach who has a kid. Who will win Minatsu's heart after all? (CSP)

17 year old schoolgirl Minatsu has at least three admirers in the form of rival schoolboy boxers and her softball coach. A disguise adds to the complications.

Review SLOW STEP vol 1(Western Connection, subtitled, 80 mins, £12.99)
A delightful piece of anime and a first for the UK, being in the high school romance genre with not a scrap of SF or fantasy in it. Instead, it is deeply rooted in everyday Japanese life and features comedy, drama, romance and sport, as well as an interesting cast of characters: schoolgirl Minatsu, who plays in the highschool softball team, her sports-mad parents, her two schoolboy admirers, the low-minded softball coach who, to the fascination of the girls, turns out to be a single father, and the tough gang girl who falls for the coach. Minatsu disguises herself to evade some thugs and soon is dating both boys as herself and as "Maria". The character designs are very stylised, but the story is absorbing, and I'll be watching the remaining tapes even if I have to go out and buy them with my own money!
(I had to - G.C.)
SLOWSTEP vols 1,2,3
SLOWSTEP (Western Connection, cert 12, 85m, 85m, 45m £12.99, £10.99)
My nephew likes this tale of everyday Japanese life, solftball and school romance as much as I do. "Slowstep was brilliant This was a lot better than I expected it to be, the characters all related to each other well and the plot made sense."
Schoolgirl Minatsu plays softball for the school team. She has two admirerers as well as the lecherous and
scruffy sports coach, and when she adopts a disguise to shake off some Yakuza gangsters (as one does) she fools the boys into thinking she is two different girls. A sullen gang girl is also setting her cap at the Coach. Fascinating stuff. (GC)

I won't rank it Adachi's best. But hey, it's an Adachi work, can't be bad, right? (CSP) Rating **

Credits Dir: Kunihiko Yuyama
Des: Tokuhiro Matsubara
Episodes 5
Release UK:VHS, Jap:LD, Jap:VHS
TV Showing See the whole series for free? This series may be syndicated to regional cable, satellite or terrestial TV stations. For Europe click here.
Date 1991
Production Pastel, Youmex, OB
Animation Tokuhiro Matsubara
References & Help Look up the latest data on this title at:
Richard Llewellyn's Animated Divots, or
Anime News Network (see Encyclopedia section) ,
or in "The Anime Encyclopedia" (Clements & McCarthy, Stone Bridge Press, 2001).
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